上传者: acehand
上传时间: 2021-12-17 21:10:35
文件大小: 2.62MB
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这本书基于两门斯坦福大学计算机科学专业的课程: CS246 和 CS35A。它的受众为计算机专业的本科学生,不需要任何基础(高中数学学好即可)。剑桥大学出版社出版。译本名为《大数据:互联网大规模数据挖掘与分布式处理》。
This book evolved from material developed over several years by Anand Rajaraman
and Jeff Ullman for a one-quarter course at Stanford. The course
CS345A, titled “Web Mining,” was designed as an advanced graduate course,
although it has become accessible and interesting to advanced undergraduates.
When Jure Leskovec joined the Stanford faculty, we reorganized the material
considerably. He introduced a new course CS224W on network analysis and
added material to CS345A, which was renumbered CS246. The three authors
also introduced a large-scale data-mining project course, CS341. The book now
contains material taught in all three courses.