
上传者: abner86622 | 上传时间: 2021-12-01 22:49:10 | 文件大小: 514KB | 文件类型: -
摘 要 VHDL是甚高速集成电路硬件描述语言。目前,VHDL已成为许多设计自动化工具普遍采用的标准化硬件描述语言。VHDL语言功能性强,覆盖面广,灵活性高,具有很好的实用性。本文设计一个基于VHDL的乒乓游戏机,乒乓游戏机由状态机、记分器、译码显示器与按键去抖等部分所组成。通过对各部分编写VHDL程序,然后进行编译、仿真、逻辑综合、逻辑适配,最后进行编程下载,并且通过GW48型EDA实验箱的验证,实现乒乓游戏机的基本功能。 关键词:VHDL;GW48;乒乓游戏机 Abstract VHDL is high speed IC hardware describe language. VHDL already becomes the language of normalizing hardware describe that a lot of design automation implement adopts commonly at present. The VHDL language function is strong. The face covering is broad, flexibility high and have the very good pragmatism. One main body of the book is designed waits for what part group is accomplished owing to that VHDL table tennis game machine, table tennis game machine go to tremble from state machine, marker, decoding display and button. By compiling and composing VHDL procedure to every part, then compiling, simulate, logic synthesis, logic fitting. Carry out programming time be loaded with finally. Then verification and by GW48 type EDA experiment box, realize table tennis game machine’s fundamental function. Key words: VHDL; GW48; Table tennis game machine



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