
上传者: EngineerofAI | 上传时间: 2021-06-27 15:05:55 | 文件大小: 8.52MB | 文件类型: GZ
dotProject is a volunteer supported Project Management application. There is no "company" behind this project, it is managed, maintained, developed and supported by a volunteer group and by the users themselves. The software is free to anyone who would like to download it. Day to day support is provided free by volunteers. If you are looking for support, to ask a question or to check to see if issues have been raised by others - use the GitHub Issues. PLEASE do not send Private Messages to the site admins or other participants on the site - this just means that you are trying to jump the priority queue, that any answers you received are selfishly then not shared with the rest of the user community OR that you may ask the wrong person who cannot help you. 简单来说:是由开源组织自发组织人员开发的一个开源的项目管理软件系统,基于Web,可以部署于局域网"广域网的办公环境中,客户端不需要安装任何软件,只要有IE,Firefox,Opera等浏览器即可,强大,小巧.被翻译为了大约40多中语言,应用于100多个国家,简单易用。




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