LPC55S6x User manual 1.3.pdf

上传者: BillyThe | 上传时间: 2021-10-12 17:17:22 | 文件大小: 13.18MB | 文件类型: -
The LPC55S6x is an Arm Cortex®-M33 based micro-controller for embedded
applications. These devices include up to 320 kB of on-chip SRAM, up to 640 kB on-chip
flash, high-speed and full-speed USB host and device interface with crystal-less operation
for full-speed, one SD/MMC/SDIO interface, five general-purpose timers, one
SCTimer/PWM, one RTC/alarm timer, one 24-bit Multi-Rate Timer (MRT), a Windowed
Watchdog Timer (WWDT), one high speed SPI (50MHz), eight flexible serial
communication peripherals (each of which can be a USART, SPI, I2C, or I2S interface),
one 16-bit 1.0 Msamples/sec ADC, temperature sensor.
The Arm Cortex M33 provides a security foundation, offering isolation to protect valuable
IP and data with TrustZone® technology. It simplifies the design and software
development of digital signal control systems with the integrated digital signal processing
(DSP) instructions. To support security requirements, the LPC55S6x also offers support
for HASH, AES, RSA, UUID, dynamic encrypt and decrypt, debug authentication, and
TBSA compliance.




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