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2019-12-21 20:19:00 54.59MB 控制系统
英文原版,离散数学及其应用,第八版,作者Kenneth H. Rosen 十分清晰
2019-12-21 20:06:48 23.22MB 数学
operating systems internals and design principles 8th
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数据库系统导论 答案 第八版 英文 An Introduction to Database Systems 8th C. J. Date
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沐书是最优秀的cw入门教材,深受师生欢迎。作者结合自己多年的教学痉验r被据教学大纲精心设 计并编写了书中内容。与此同时,本书还采用了很多便于读者巩固所学知识的教学特征比如各章开始处 的小节总览,书中随处可见的总结框、编程提示和编程陷阱,各章结尾处的小结、习题和编程项目等.这 些非常适合初学者掌握重要的编程概念• ' 全书共18章,8个附录。在讲解C*h■基础知识之后,直接引导学生深入函数、I/O流、类、控制流程、 命名空间、数组、字符串、指针和动态数组、埠归、模板、指针和链表、派生类、异常以及标准模板库
2019-12-21 19:38:37 92.39MB C++ 语言 开发
C++ how to program 第八版 文字版的pdf 是彩色的所以文件很大
2019-12-21 19:37:48 56.21MB C++ pdf 教程
21天学通C++(第8版)英文原版,Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day (8th Edition).C++入门,较C++ primer plus更适合初学者的C++教程,含最新C++14和C++17新特性。 Copyright © 2017 by Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0-7897-5774-6 ISBN-10: 0-7897-5774-5 Library of Congress Control Number: 2016958138 First Printing: December 2016 2011 and 2014 were two special years for C++. While C++11 ushered in a dramatic improvement to C++, introducing new keywords and constructs that increased your programming efficiency, C++14 brought in incremental improvements that added finishing touches to the features introduced by C++11. This book helps you learn C++ in tiny steps. It has been thoughtfully divided into lessons that teach you the fundamentals of this object-oriented programming language from a practical point of view. Depending on your proficiency level, you will be able to master C++ one hour at a time. Learning C++ by doing is the best way—so try the rich variety of code samples in this book hands-on and help yourself improve your programming proficiency. These code snippets have been tested using the latest versions of the available compilers at the time of writing, namely the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler for C++ and GNU’s C++ compiler, which both offer a rich coverage of C++14 features.
2019-12-21 19:34:59 9.68MB C++,C++14
C++ How to Program 10th高清英文版PDF,本书包含所有书中用到的源代码
2019-12-21 19:34:13 69.73MB C++
统计学概论8版的solution Probability & Statistics for engineers and scientists 8th solution
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