tomcat与java web开发技术详解(第3版)pdf 下载
2023-06-19 19:09:44 4.82MB javaweb
2023-06-19 08:29:55 532KB jdbc 数据库 Java
2023-06-18 15:12:01 1008KB W3000R 腾达
1.项目说明 在线电商系统,使用Django_rest_framework与vue进行前后端分离,集成第三方微博,QQ, 微信的登陆,和支付宝的支付! 2.项目使用到的第三方包 django pillow mysqlclient djangorestframework-jwt djangorestframework markdown django-filter django-crispy-forms django-reversion django-formtools future httplib2 six requests coreapi django-cors-headers xlwt xlsxwriter drf-extensions django-redis pycryptodome raven social-auth-app-django 3.配置和启动 1.如果阁下没有安装上面我
2023-06-18 14:59:38 55.72MB Python
资源包含文件:课程报告word+源码 打印图书完整库存信息,包括编号、名称、作者、库存量、销售量、单价、供应商、供应商单价,详细介绍参考:
2023-06-16 17:28:20 1.79MB C++ Mysql 图书管理系统 图书销售管理
内容索引:脚本资源,jQuery,选项卡,tab,选项卡插件  Coda-Slider是一款完全基于jQuery的选项卡插件,不同的是,它是左右翻番,而且是带有动画效果的切换,选项卡两侧各带有控制按钮,点上侧也可以切换,用到的jQuery库不至一个,代码稍嫌繁琐,所用的资源文件一并打包,很完整,可以作为一个参考资料吧。
2023-06-16 00:18:11 37KB Web开发源代码 JS/Ajax源代码
(1)能够实现用户注册、登录、信息修改以及管理员管理功能 (2)实现资费的增删改查功能; (3)能够整合系统按月生成用户账单,同时按月、年份分别生成财务信息统计报表;
2023-06-14 23:16:43 7.68MB Java MySQL 毕业设计 毕业论文
Create and publish your own interactive data visualization projects on the web—even if you have little or no experience with data visualization or web development. It’s inspiring and fun with this friendly, accessible, and practical hands-on introduction. This fully updated and expanded second edition takes you through the fundamental concepts and methods of D3, the most powerful JavaScript library for expressing data visually in a web browser. Ideal for designers with no coding experience, reporters exploring data journalism, and anyone who wants to visualize and share data, this step-by-step guide will also help you expand your web programming skills by teaching you the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SVG. Learn D3 4.x—the latest D3 version—with downloadable code and over 140 examples Create bar charts, scatter plots, pie charts, stacked bar charts, and force-directed graphs Use smooth, animated transitions to show changes in your data Introduce interactivity to help users explore your data Create custom geographic maps with panning, zooming, labels, and tooltips Walk through the creation of a complete visualization project, from start to finish Explore inspiring case studies with nine accomplished designers talking about their D3-based projects
2023-06-14 00:43:03 26.05MB d3 d3.js data visual
2023-06-13 20:40:32 54.01MB JavaScript
2023-06-13 08:28:05 528KB mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar