2021 Algorithm기算法_研究 목차 介绍 :정:2021년01월07일〜 정기모임:오후6시 成员 犯罪 문제풀이맞춘 git commit -m“ [添加] BOJ1004_해결” 진행중제풀이진행중,수정,막힌 git commit -m“ [UPD] BOJ1004_진행중(막힘)” ()것같습니것같습니것같습니다。 예)(막힘),(수정),(런타임에러),(문제이해중)... 상황 git commit -m“ [DEL] BOJ1004_삭제” 问题 주차 링크 상태 링크 상태 1주차 1주차 1주차 1주차 2주차 2주차 2주차 3주차 3주차 3주차 3주차 4주차 4주차 4주차 5주차 5주차 5주차 7주차 7주차 7주차 일지 내용 21. 01. 14 队列,堆
2021-02-18 20:06:36 36.19MB python java c-plus-plus problem-solving
遗传算法 一个使用遗传算法执行参数优化的python库
2021-02-17 10:05:35 2KB Python
2021-02-15 19:47:03 9.51MB Fireworks Al Optimization
In this paper, Weighted Differential Evolution Algorithm (WDE) has been proposed for solving real valued numerical optimization problems.
2021-02-14 09:04:08 463KB WDE
In landmark-based image registration, estimating the landmark correspondence plays an important role. In this letter, a novel landmark correspondence estimation technique using mean shift algorithm is proposed. Image corner points are detected as landmarks and mean shift iterations are adopted to find the most probable corresponding point positions in two images. Mutual information between intensity of two local regions is computed to eliminate mis-matching points. Multi-level estimation (MLE) t
2021-02-10 16:06:19 346KB
A lightweight white-box symmetric encryption algorithm against node capture for WSNs
2021-02-10 16:05:45 1.25MB 研究论文
TSBCC: Time Series-Based Congestion Control Algorithm for Wireless Network
2021-02-10 16:05:40 733KB 研究论文
An improved FCM medical image segmentation algorithm based on MMTD
2021-02-09 14:06:10 1.12MB 研究论文
Researches of complex networks such as social networks are becoming popular in recent years. Due tothe large scale and complex structure of these networks, analysis and studies on a complete networkrequire a lot of computational resources and storage space, which will also consume a large amount ofe
2021-02-09 09:06:57 581KB 研究论文