数据库1、查询"01"课程比"02"课程成绩高的学生的信息及课程分数 (ˇˍˇ) 想~
select distinct s.S# 学号,s.Sname 学生姓名,s.Ssex 性别 ,convert(date,s.Sage) 出生日期,sc.score 分数 from Student s,SC sc,SC ss
where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.S#='01' and ss.S#='02' and sc.score>ss.score
select s.Sname 姓名,s.Ssex 性别,convert(date,s.Sage) 出生日期,sc.score from Student s,SC sc,SC ss
where s.S#=sc.S# and s.S#=ss.S# and sc.C#='01' and ss.C#='02'
select s.Sname 姓名,s.Ssex 性别,convert(date,s.Sage) 出生日期,sc.score 分数 from Student s,SC sc,SC ss
where s.S#=sc.S# and s.S#=ss.S# and sc.C#='01' and ss.C#='02' and sc.score>ISNULL(ss.score,0)
--select 课程=case Cname
--when '语文' then 'null' else Cname end from Course
--where exists(select S# from SC where C# in(select C# from Course where C#='01' and T#='02'))
2021-10-24 21:53:26