How to use it EA Analyzer is a Windows program exe that you can download and install on your computer The usage is simple: Run a backtest in your MetaTrader4 In MetaTrader save your backtest as a HTML strategy report Start EA Analyzer and load the MT4 strategy report to the program EA Analyzer will go through the list of trades and generates its own report with advanced statistics You can save your new EA Analyzer report to a HTML format too ">How to use it EA Analyzer is a Windows program exe that you can download and install on your computer The usage is simple: Run a backtest in your MetaTrader4 In MetaTrader save your backtest as a HTML strategy report Start EA Analyzer and load the MT4 strategy report to the progra [更多]
2022-05-14 17:21:47 72.99MB MT4 外汇交易 metatrader4
联想G41芯片的主板,如m2622n等的BIOS要升级此90KT23CUS,原厂的BIOS有缺陷,不支持64位系统! 刷BIOS方法:进入MaxDOS系统(一般PE自带),插上下载有此BIOS并解压成5个文件在根目录的U盘,输入usbm,再选第一项,等待usb驱动加载完毕,输入dir列出所有文件,输入mb.bat(m2622n),等待BIOS升级完毕即可。
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类型: 驱动程序 - 存储器控制器 版本: 1.2.14-010(30 四月 2020) 操作系统: 红帽企业Linux 7服务器 多部分下载 文件名: KMOD-smartpqi-1.2.14-010.rhel7u8.x86_64.compsig(2.0 MB) 文件名: kmod-smartpqi-1.2.14-010.rhel7u8.x86_64.rpm(579 KB) 该RPM用于提供已预先构建的二进制驱动程序模块,以启用HPE Smart Array P系列和E系列Gen10控制器。该RPM提供了一种客户友好的方法来安装预构建的二进制驱动程序。在某些内核勘误中,内核中存在的驱动程序版本可能与rpm正在安装的版本相同。但是,内核中的驱动程序可能不包括rpm中包含的驱动程序中实现的所有修补程序和增强功能。因此,应该安装rpm以获得内核驱动程序中不存在的修复程序和增强功能。
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