解码keil 保存的hex内存数据,转为一个数组数据,然后通过excel或matlab作为数据分析。
2019-12-21 19:27:38 113KB keil数据导出
2019-12-21 19:25:32 1.98MB MATLAB Clustering Toolbox 聚类分析
FILES ----- README.txt help file doc/ directory containing documentation for gCLUTO images/ directory containing all images for gCLUTO linux/gcluto Linux binary matrices/ directory containing example matrices windows/gcluto.exe Microsoft Windows executable windows/glut32.dll GLUT Graphics Lib - required DLL for gcluto.exe windows/msvcrt.dll MS C Run Time Lib - required DLL for gcluto.exe
2019-12-21 19:24:53 2.71MB gcluto
DEA分析工具 DEAP2.1是一款用于DEA方法运算的软件,由于是DOS界面,比较难以操作。
2019-12-21 19:24:49 416KB DEA分析工具
时频分析所需的所有函数,解压放在~/toolbox下即可,在matlab里面file->set path->add with subfolders就好了
2019-12-21 19:24:45 2.53MB MATLAB
爱站网站日志分析工具 懂的人下吧。 只要2分只要2分。
2019-12-21 19:18:02 1.21MB 日志分析工具
很实用的时频分析工具箱,包括短时傅里叶正反变换等,很好,很强大哦~~分享给大家,包括以下函数的源代码: % sigmerge - Add two signals with given energy ratio in dB. % % Choice of the Instantaneous Amplitude % amexpo1s - Generate one-sided exponential amplitude modulation. % amexpo2s - Generate bilateral exponential amplitude modulation. % amgauss - Generate gaussian amplitude modulation. % amrect - Generate rectangular amplitude modulation. % amtriang - Generate triangular amplitude modulation. % % Choice of the Instantaneous Frequency % fmconst - Signal with constant frequency modulation. % fmhyp - Signal with hyperbolic frequency modulation. % fmlin - Signal with linear frequency modulation. % fmodany - Signal with arbitrary frequency modulation. % fmpar - Signal with parabolic frequency modulation. % fmpower - Signal with power-law frequency modulation. % fmsin - Signal with sinusoidal frequency modulation. % gdpower - Signal with a power-law group delay. % % Choice of Particular Signals % altes - Altes signal in time domain. % anaask - Amplitude Shift Keyed (ASK) signal. % anabpsk - Binary Phase Shift Keyed (BPSK) signal. % anafsk - Frequency Shift Keyed (FSK) signal. % anapulse - Analytic projection of unit amplitude impulse signal. % anaqpsk - Quaternary Phase Shift Keyed (QPSK) signal. % anasing - Lipschitz singularity. % anastep - Analytic projection of unit step signal. % atoms - Linear combination of elementary Gaussian wave packets. % dopnoise - Generate complex Doppler random signal. % doppler - Generate complex Doppler signal. % klauder - Klauder wavelet in time domain. % mexhat - Mexican hat wavelet in time domain. % tftb_window - Window generation (previously window.m). % % Addition of Noise % noisecg - Analytic complex gaussian noise. % noisecu - Analytic complex uniform noise. % % Modification % scale - Scale signal using Mellin transform. % % % Processing Files % % Time-Domain Process
2019-12-21 18:58:36 2.67MB Matlab 时频分析
Enterprise Architect具备源代码的前向和反向工程能力,支持多种通用语言,包括C++, C#, Java, Delphi, VBNet, Visual Basic和PHP,除此,还可以获取免费的CORBA和Python附加组件。EA提供一个内置的源代码编辑器,含语法突出功能,确保能够在一致的工作环境中快速导航和查找您的模型源代码。
2019-12-21 18:57:19 58.34MB 类图生成 源码分析
2019-12-21 18:54:52 137KB M2M 加密 封包分析
高通QCAT Log分析工具 QCAT is an integrated software package that allows you to decode the contents of binary log files generated by the Qualcomm Mobile Diagnostic Monitor (MDM), CDMA Air Interface Tester (CAIT), and Qualcomm Extensible Diagnostic Monitor Professional™ (QXDM Pro) tools. QCAT is compatible with Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7 platforms. QCAT supports performance log packets, mobile events, and logged signaling messages generated by Qualcomm Dual Mode Subscriber Software (DMSS) and Advanced Mode Subscriber Softw
2019-12-21 18:52:04 171.48MB 通信模块