Foundations Of Semantic Web Technologies,Foundations Of Semantic Web Technologies
2020-02-06 03:17:42 4.19MB Foundations Of Semantic Web
ABSTRACT With the development of network-enabled sensors and articial intelligence algorithms, various human-centered smart systems are proposed to provide services with higher quality, such as smart healthcare, affective interaction, and autonomous driving. Considering cognitive computing is an indispensable technology to develop these smart systems, this paper proposes human-centered computing assisted by cognitive computing and cloud computing. First, we provide a comprehensive investigation of cognitive computing, including its evolution from knowledge discovery, cognitive science, and big data. Then, the system architecture of cognitive computing is proposed, which consists of three critical technologies, i.e., networking (e.g., Internet of Things), analytics (e.g., reinforcement learning and deep learning), and cloud computing. Finally, it describes the representative applications of human-centered cognitive computing, including robot technology, emotional communication system, and medical cognitive system.
2020-01-13 03:14:00 4.09MB 認知運算
2019-12-21 22:09:08 12.41MB 5G IoT
3D IC device Technologies and Manufacturing 清晰的PDF档.
2019-12-21 21:19:06 37.77MB IC process,3D IC
The story of Flash memory is one of a unique technology that was almost a failure. Only after three unsuccessful attempts did Flash succeed in the marketplace. To succeed, Flash had to solve several technical problems and had to create a market for itself. Once these issues were addressed, Flash quickly became the highest volume nonvolatile memory displacing the EPROM only 5 years after its successful entry in the market. Today, Flash is challenging DRAM for the highest volume semiconductor memory used in the world. While the market forecast for Flash is bright, the technology is approaching fundamental limits in its scalability.
2019-12-21 21:08:51 10.93MB memory
Coursera经典课程:比特币和数字货币技术,官方教材。 区块链入门首选,强烈推荐!
2019-12-21 21:08:00 7.77MB 比特币 区块链 coursera 经典教材
本资源是以压缩包的形式的, 里面是一个 “TXT”的文档, 文档中 有“百度云” 分享的链接, 这本书太大,上传不上来,所以以这样的方式上传。永久有效, 有问题的话,可以联系我,里面留有本人的QQ。 作者: Unity Technologies 出版社: 中国铁道出版社 内容简介 · · · · · · 本书基于Unity 5.0软件及以上版本,对Unity 5 中的大量图形改进和扩展的编辑器功能集进行讲解。另外,对Unity Cloud Build的使用进行详细介绍,使开发者通过云进行游戏和应用开发。 为了使Unity 3D在中国得到更好的发展,作为官方仅有的的配备用书,本书对原先的4.X进行完美升级。Unity 5 引擎支持包括 Mac OS X、安卓、iOS、Windows 等在内的23个平台发布。目前,利用Unity游戏引擎开发的游戏终端有手机、平板和台式机等。有多所高校购买了Unity软件,并在高校的课程中开始讲授。 本书适用于对Unity 感兴趣的读者使用,也可作为从事Unity 3D 工作的工作人员的参考书,更适用于Unity 培训的学校或者机构使用。 部分章节目录 初 识 篇 第 1 章 认识Unity引擎 1 1.1Unity简介 2 1.2Unity发展史 3 1.3Unity 5.0 4 第 2 章 Unity开发案例介绍 7 2.1Unity游戏介绍 8 2.2Unity非游戏应用 11 第 3 章软件安装、授权与服务 13 3.1软件安装 14 3.1.1在Windows下的安装 14 3.1.2在Mac下的安装 17 3.2授权 19 3.3服务 23 第 4 章Unity开发资源介绍 25 4.1Unity Asset Store资源商店 26 4.1.1Asset Store简介 26 4.1.2Asset Store使用方法 27 4.2其他服务 31 4.2.1Unity Ads服务 31 4.2.2Unity Game Analytics服务 32 4.2.3Unity Cloud Build服务 32 4.2.4Everyplay服务 33 操作 篇 第 5 章Unity编辑器 35 5.1界面布局 36 5.1.1导航窗口 37 5.1.2界面布局 39 5.1.3界面定制 40 5.2打开范例工程 41 5.3工具栏 44 5.3.1Transform Tools(变换工具) 45 5.3.2Transform Gizmo Tools(变换辅助工具) 48 5.3.3Play(播放控制) 48 5.3.4Layers(分层下拉列表) 49 5.3.5Layout(布局下拉列表) 49 5.4菜单栏 49 5.4.1File(文件)菜单 49 5.4.2Edit(编辑)菜单 52 5.4.3Assets(资源)菜单 53 5.4.4GameObject(游戏对象)菜单 53 5.4.5Component(组件)菜单 54 5.4.6Window(窗口)菜单 54 5.4.7Help(帮助)菜单 55 5.5常用工作视图 55 5.5.1Project(项目)视图 55 5.5.2Scene(场景)视图 58 5.5.3Game(游戏)视图 64 5.5.4Inspector(检视)视图 67 5.5.5Hierarchy(层级)视图 68 5.5.6Console(控制台)视图 69 5.5.7Animation(动画)视图 70 5.5.8Animator(动画控制器)视图 70 5.5.9Sprite Editor(Sprite编辑器) 71 5.5.10Sprite Packer(Sprite打包工具) 73 5.5.11Lightmaps(光照贴图烘焙)视图 75 5.5.12Occlusion(遮挡剔除)视图 76 5.5.13Navigation(导航寻路)视图 76 5.5.14Version Control(版本控制)视图 77 5.5.15Asset Store(资源商店) 77
2019-12-21 20:43:14 337B Unity Unity入门
本文档为英飞凌厂家编著,由英文版IGBT Modules - Technologies, Driver and Application翻译而来,内容非常全面,基本上涵盖了igbt相关的所有内容. 首先介绍了IGBT的内部结构,然后通过电路原型或基本模型推导出的IGBT变体形式。在此基础上,探讨了IGBT的封装技术。本文档还讨论了IGBT电气特性和热问题,分析了IGBT的特殊应用和并联驱动技术。这些分析还包括了IGBT的实际开关行为特性、电路布局、应用实例以及设计规则。
2019-12-21 20:22:23 77.48MB IGBT IGBT选型 IGBT驱动 英飞凌IGBT
区块链科普,Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies_ A Comprehensive Introduction-Princeton University Press (2016)
2019-12-21 19:48:27 4.42MB blockchain
Emerging non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies, such as PCRAM and STT-RAM, are getting mature in recent years. These emerging NVM technologies have demonstrated great potentials to be the candidates for future computer memory architecture design. It is important for SoC designers and computer architects to understand the benefits and limitations of such emerging memory technologies, to improve the performance/power/reliability of future memory architectures. This chapter gives a brief introduction of these memory technologies, reviews recent advances in memory architecture design, discusses the benefits of using at various levels of memory hierarchy, and also reviews the mitigation techniques to overcome the limitations of applying such emerging memory technologies for future memory architecture design.
2019-12-21 19:27:30 15.74MB 存储器