The first officially authorized study guide for the challenging Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition exams. Java platform experts Cade and Roberts provide expert guidance and background for designing effective J2EETM technology architectures—as well as comprehensive preparation for every exam element: multiple-choice exam, assignment, and essay. You’ll find start-to-finish coverage of key J2EE platform architectural issues and every exam objective, including:
2021-10-02 15:29:31 1.9MB Enterprise Architect for J2EE™
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2021-09-22 16:25:59 2.39MB JavaScript
As internetworking technologies continue to pervade nearly every aspect of public and private industry worldwide, the demand grows for individuals who can demonstrate they possess the skills needed to manage these technologies. Recognizing this need, Juniper Networks—the lead- ing provider of Internet infrastructure solutions that enable ISPs and other telecommunications companies to meet the demands of Internet growth—recently restructured its certification program to provide a clear path for the acquisition of these skills. Sybex is proud to have part- nered with the Juniper Networks and worked closely with members of the Juniper Networks Technical Certification Program to develop this Official Study Guide for the Juniper Networks Certified Internetworking Associate certification.
2021-09-07 13:22:49 9.86MB Juniper Junos
Certified Software Business Analyst_CSBA认证考试题库
CSQA Certified Software Quality Analyst认证考试题库
CSTE Certified Software Test Engineer认证考试题库
Sybex 出品: CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Fast Pass Third Edition(2008).pdf
2021-08-04 19:38:46 8.34MB 电子书 思科 Cisco 网络
2021-08-02 17:03:10 1.91MB 802.11ac wifi认证