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本资料约500多页 内容目录如下: 数据建模(经典推荐) Contents Foreword Acknowledgments About the Author Chapter 1 Introduction Why Is There a Need for This Book? Who Can Benefit from Reading This Book? The Need for Universal Data Models A Holistic Approach to Systems Development What Is the Intent of This Book and These Models? What Is New in the Second Edition of the Data Model Resource Book? Conventions and Standards Used in This Book Entities Subtypes and Supertypes Non-Mutually Exclusive Sets of Subtypes Attributes Relationships Relationship Optionality Relationship Cardinality Foreign Key Relationships Foreign Key Inheritance Intersection or Association Entities to Handle Many-to-Many Relationships Exclusive Arcs Recursive Relationships Physical Models Conventions Used for Illustration Tables Conventions Used to Reference Figures The Companion CD-ROM Chapter 2 People and Organizations Organization Person Person—Alternate Model Party 29 Party Roles 33 Organization Roles 35 Common Party Role Subtypes 36 Should Roles Be Defined at the Time of the Transaction? 36 Party Role Example 37 Role Types throughout This Book 37 Party Relationship 39 Party Relationship Examples 44 Party Relationship Information 46 Status Types 47 Party Contact Information 47 Postal Address Information 49 Geographic Boundaries 51 Party Contact Mechanism—Telecommunications Numbers and Electronic Addresses 53 Party Contact Mechanism (Expanded) 54 Contact Mechanism Purpose 56 Facility versus Contact Mechanism 58 Party Communication Event 58 Communication Event Follow-Up 63 Summary 67 Chapter 3 Products 69 Product Definition 70 Product Category 71 Product Identification Codes 75 Product Features 76 Product Feature Interaction 78 Product Feature Subtypes 78 Product Feature Examples 79 Unit of Measure 80 Suppliers and Manufacturers of Products 81 Inventory Item Storage 84 Product Pricing 87 Pricing Subtypes 87 Price Component Attributes and Relationship to Product or Product Feature 89 Pricing Factors 89 International Pricing 91 Example of Product Pricing . 91 Product Costing 93 Product to Product Associations 96 Products and Parts 100 Summary 104 Chapter 4 Ordering Products Standard Order Model Order and Order Items Order Parties and Contact Mechanisms Sales Order Parties and Contact Mechanisms Party Placing Order and Related Contact Mechanism Party Taking Order and Related Contact Mechanism Ship-to Party and Contact Mechanism Bill-to Party and Contact Mechanism Person Roles for Orders Purchase Order Parties and Contact Mechanisms Generic Order Roles and Contact Mechanisms Order Adjustments Order Status and Terms Order Status Order Terms Order Item Association Optional Order Models Requirements Requirement Roles Requirement Status Product Requirements Order Requirement Commitments Requirement Example Requests Request Request Items Quote Definition Quote Roles Quote Quote Items Quote Terms Agreement Definition Agreement Item Agreement Terms Agreement Pricing Agreement to Order Summary Chapter 5 Shipments Shipments Shipment Types Shipments Parties and Contact Mechanisms Shipping Detail Shipment Status Shipment-to-Order Relationship Shipment Receipts Item Issuance for Outgoing Shipments Shipment Documents Shipment Routing Shipment Vehicle Summary Contents vii Chapter 6 Work Effort Work Requirement and Work Efforts Work Requirement Definition Requirement Types Anticipated Demand Work Requirement Compared to Order Work Requirement Roles Work Effort Generation Work Effort Type and Work Effort Purpose Type Work Effort Attributes Fulfillment of Work Requirements Work Effort and Facility Work Effort Generation—Alternate Model Work Effort Associations Work Effort Association Definition Work Effort Dependency Work Efforts and Work Tasks Work Effort Party Assignment Work Effort Party Assignment Party Skill and Skill Type Work Effort Status Work Effort Party Assignment Work Effort Role Type Work Effort Assignment Facility Work Effort Time Tracking Work Effort Rates Work Effort Assignment Rate Inventory Assignments Fixed Asset Assignments Fixed Asset Fixed Asset Type Fixed Asset Assignment and Status Party Fixed Asset Assignments Work Effort Type Standards Work Effort Skill Standards Work Effort Good Standards Work Effort Fixed Asset Standard Work Effort Results Summary Chapter 7 Invoicing Invoices and Invoice Items Invoice Roles Billing Account Invoice Specific Roles Invoice Terms and Status Invoice Status Invoice Terms -Invoice and Associated Transactions Billing for Shipment Items Billing for Work Efforts and Time Entries Billing for Order Items Payments Financial Accounts, Deposits, and Withdrawals Summary Chapter 8 Accounting and Budgeting Chart of Accounts for Internal Organizations General Ledger Accounts and Types Organization GL Account Accounting Period Accounting Transactions Definition Business Transactions versus Accounting Transactions? Accounting Transaction Accounting Transactions and Their Related Parties Accounting Transaction Details Transaction Detail Relationships between Accounting Transaction Details Account Balances and Transactions Subsidiary Accounts Asset Depreciation Budget Definition Budget Budget Item Budget Status Budget Revision Budget Review Budget Scenarios Usage and Sources of Budgeted Amounts Commitments against Budgets Payments against Budgets Budget Relationship to General Ledger Budgeted Items versus General Ledger Accounts Summary Chapter 9 Human Resources Standard Human Resources Model Employment Position Definition Position Position Authorization Position Type Position Responsibilities Position Type Definition Organization Position Fulfillment and Tracking Position Fulfillment Position Status Type Hiring Organization Other Considerations Position Reporting Relationships 312 Position Reporting Structure 312 Salary Determination and Pay History 314 Position Type Rate 316 Pay Grade and Salary Step 317 Pay History and Actual Salary 318 Benefits Definition and Tracking 319 Employment 319 Party Benefit 320 Period Type 321 Benefit Type 321 Payroll Information 322 Employee 322 Payment Method Type 324 Payroll Preference 324 Paycheck 325 Deduction and Deduction Type 326 Employment Application 327 Employee Skills and Qualifications 328 Employee Performance 328 Employee Termination 333 Summary 333 Chapter 10 Creating the Data Warehouse Data Model from the Enterprise Data Model 337 The Data Warehouse Architecture 337 The Enterprise Data Model 338 The Data Warehouse Design 338 The Departmental Data Warehouse Design or Data Mart 338 An Architected Data Warehouse Environment 339 The Enterprise Data Model 340 Transformation Requirements 340 Process Models 342 High-Level and Logical Data Models 342 Making the Transformation 343 Removing Operational Data 345 Adding an Element of Time to the Warehouse Key 346 Adding Derived Data 346 Creating Relationship Artifacts 347 Changing Granularity of Data 350 Merging Tables 351 Creation of Arrays of Data 352 Organizing Data According to Its Stability 354 Summary 355 Chapter 11 A Sample Data Warehouse Data Model 357 Transformation to Customer Invoice 358 Removing Operational Data 358 Adding an Element of Time 359 Adding Derived Data 360 Contents xi Creating Relationship Artifacts Accommodating Levels of Granularity Merging Tables Separation Based on Stability Other Considerations The Sample Data Warehouse Data Model Common Reference Tables Summary Chapter 12 Star Schema Designs for Sales Analysis Sales Analysis Data Mart Customer Sales Facts Customer Dimension Customer Demographics Dimensions Sales Reps Dimension Internal Organizations Dimension Addresses Dimension Product Dimension Time Dimension Transaction-Oriented Sales Data Mart Variations on the Sales Analysis Data Mart Variation 1: Sales Rep Performance Data Mart Customer Rep Sales Fact Time Dimension Variation 2: Product Analysis Data Mart Product Sales Facts Geographic Boundaries Dimension Summary Chapter 13 Star Schema Designs for Human Resources Human Resources Star Schema Human Resource Fact Table Organizations Dimension Position Types Dimension Genders Dimension Length of Services Dimension Statuses Dimension Pay Grades Dimension EEOC Types Dimension Time_By_Month Dimension Human Resources Star Schema at a Higher Level of Granularization Summary Chapter 14 Additional Star Schema Designs Inventory Management Analysis Purchase Order Analysis Shipment Analysis Work Effort Analysis Financial Analysis 404 Summary 405 Chapter 15 Implementing the Universal Data Models 407 The Enterprise Data Model—An Integrated Business View of the Enterprise's Information 408 Customizing the Universal Data Models 410 Degrees of Customization 410 Customizing the Models for Unique Business Terminology 411 Example of Changing the Terms for the Specific Enterprise 412 Additional Information Requirements Needed for the Enterprise 416 How the Universal Data Models and Enterprise Data Model Solve Business Problems 418 Using a Data Model for a Particular Application 419 Understanding Business Processes 420 Building the Logical Data Model 422 Physical Database Design 425 Basic Database Design Principles 425 Creating a Physical Database Design 427 Physical Database Design Examples 428 Review of the Party Role and Relationship Model 428 Party Roles and Relationships Physical Design, Option 1 430 Example Data for Physical Database Design, Option 1 433 Party Roles and Relationships Physical Design, Option 2 437 Party Roles and Relationships Generic Design, Option 3 439 Using the Data Warehouse Models 444 Summary 446 For More Information 447 Appendix A Logical Data Model Entities and Attributes 449 Appendix B Data Warehouse Data Model Tables and Columns 503 Appendix C Star Schema Design Tables and Columns 509 How to Use the CD-ROM Product 519 Other Reusable Data Model and Data Warehouse Design Resources 521 Index 523
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