2022-07-20 17:23:26 86B 计算机科学
IEEE Std 1076-2008-IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual。IEEE标准VHDL语言参考手册(英文版)
2022-07-20 11:03:06 6.04MB IEEE标准 VHDL
工程流体力学(赵秦,杨小林主编第2版)部分答案,包含解题过程与最终答案。 。。
2022-07-20 09:04:03 2.27MB 习题答案
2022-07-15 09:05:17 129KB 考试
2022-07-15 09:05:11 73KB 考试
2022-07-15 09:04:25 106.98MB 操作系统原理
Design, build and simulate complex robots using Robot Operating System and master its out-of-the-box functionalities About This Book Develop complex robotic applications using ROS for interfacing robot manipulators and mobile robots with the help of high end robotic sensors Gain insights into autonomous navigation in mobile robot and motion planning in robot manipulators Discover the best practices and troubleshooting solutions everyone needs when working on ROS Who This Book Is For If you are a robotics enthusiast or researcher who wants to learn more about building robot applications using ROS, this book is for you. In order to learn from this book, you should have a basic knowledge of ROS, GNU/Linux, and C++ programming concepts. The book will also be good for programmers who want to explore the advanced features of ROS. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to ROS and Its Package Management Chapter 2: Working with 3D Robot Modeling in ROS Chapter 3: Simulating Robots Using ROS and Gazebo Chapter 4: Using the ROS MoveIt! and Navigation Stack Chapter 5: Working with Pluginlib, Nodelets, and Gazebo Plugins Chapter 6: Writing ROS Controllers and Visualization Plugins Chapter 7: Interfacing I/O Boards, Sensors, and Actuators to ROS Chapter 8: Programming Vision Sensors using ROS, Open-CV, and PCL Chapter 9: Building and Interfacing Differential Drive Mobile Robot Hardware in ROS Chapter 10: Exploring the Advanced Capabilities of ROS-MoveIt! Chapter 11: ROS for Industrial Robots Chapter 12: Troubleshooting and Best Practices in ROS
2022-07-15 08:00:55 13.04MB ROS Robotics Programming
2022-07-14 21:54:22 8.24MB 教育专区 职业教育
C++从入门到精通(第5版) TM(示例源码+习题答案).7z
2022-07-14 16:06:21 48.85MB 教学资料
2022-07-14 16:06:16 27.86MB 教学资料