推箱子 使用AI的推箱子
2022-06-19 22:27:19 814KB Python
From AI to Robotics: Mobile, Social, and Sentient Robots By 作者: Arkapravo Bhaumik ISBN-10 书号: 1482251477 ISBN-13 书号: 9781482251470 Edition 版本: 1 出版日期: 2018-03-01 pages 页数: 430 From AI to Robotics: Mobile, Social, and Sentient Robots is a journey into the world of agent-based robotics and it covers a number of interesting topics, both in the theory and practice of the discipline. The book traces the earliest ideas for autonomous machines to the mythical lore of ancient Greece and ends the last chapter with a debate on a prophecy set in the apparent future, where human beings and robots/technology may merge to create superior beings – the era of transhumanism. Throughout the text, the work of leading researchers is presented in depth, which helps to paint the socio-economic picture of how robots are transforming our world and will continue to do so. This work is presented along with the influences and ideas from futurists, such as Asimov, Moravec, Lem, Vinge, and of course Kurzweil. The book furthers the discussion with concepts of Artificial Intelligence and how it manifests in robotic agents. Discussions across various topics are presented in the book, including control paradigm, navigation, software, multi-robot systems, swarm robotics, robots in social roles, and artificial consciousness in robots. These discussions help to provide an overall picture of current day agent- based robotics and its prospects for the future. Examples of software and implementation in hardware are covered in Chapter 5 to encourage the imagination and creativity of budding robot enthusiasts. The book addresses several broad themes, such as AI in theory versus applied AI for robots, concepts of anthropomorphism, embodiment and situatedness, extending theory of psychology and animal behavior to robots, and the proposal that in the future, AI may be the new definition of science. Behavior-based robotics is covered in Chapter 2 and retells the debate between deliberative and reactive approaches. The text reiterates that the effort of modern day robotics is to replicate human-like intelligence and behavior, and the tools that a roboticist has at his or her disposal are open source software, which is often powered by crowd-sourcing. Open source meta-projects, such as Robot Operating System (ROS), etc. are briefly discussed in Chapter 5. The ideas and themes presented in the book are supplemented with cartoons, images, schematics and a number of special sections to make the material engaging for the reader. Designed for robot enthusiasts – researchers, students, or the hobbyist, this comprehensive book will entertain and inspire anyone interested in the exciting world of robots.
2022-06-19 19:42:38 45.86MB AI
2022-06-19 09:08:29 21.83MB 智慧
5G已来,智能终端迎来新一轮创新潮(5G AI系列研究·深度之三).pdf
2022-06-19 09:00:09 2.98MB 计算机 互联网 文档
软件介绍 一款带有AI辅助写作功能的文本编辑工具,由腾讯AILab开发。与通常的文本编辑器相比,Effidit的主要特色是内置一个“智能创作助手”。智能创作助手的主要目标是利用AI技术来提升编辑和写作的效率,助力内容创作者产出更高质量的文档;且自带云输入法,输写更轻松。简而言之,其可以自动纠错或联想,写东西卡壳了不妨试试,日常基本够用,所以若要高级点的话,sry,这个无法满足。。。 基础编辑功能包括 1、编辑普通文本文件; 2、查看超大文件的内容; 3、为某些类型的文件提供编辑和预览两种视图,比如给以Tab分割的文本文件提供列表视图,方便按照列对齐显示。 软件特点 智能创作助手的主要功能包括文本补全、文本纠错、文本润色、K2S(基于关键词的句子推荐与生成)、云输入法等。其中文本补全包括短语补全和句子补全,文本润色包括短语润色、文本改写、文本扩写等。更多功能请自行测试。。。
2022-06-18 22:05:00 1.63MB 写作工具
这是用神经网络(seq2seq)实现序列到序列学习并在神经对话模型(又名谷歌聊天机器人)中重现结果的尝试。该模型基于两个LSTM层。一个用于将输入句子编码为“思想向量”,另一个用于将该向量解码为响应。该模型称为序列到序列或 seq2seq。
2022-06-18 19:04:53 11KB lua
AI智慧识物小程序可以满足用户的好奇心,用户随手拍图点击识别即可识别图片里的内容,方便用户快速获取知识图谱,提升用户的知识储备能力。小程序前端和基于java后台的Spring boot2.0版本。对后端接口进一步优化,减少冗余的代码,精简了后台Spring boot的相关代码,对前端微信小程序照片图像上传到后端进行保存的流程进一步优化,明显提高了小程序端识别的速度,拍照图片后传给后台并返回相应json格式数据,前端渲染数据展示。小程序效果展示:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pi4y1N76Z
2022-06-17 21:05:28 9.77MB springboot 微信小程序 文字识别 ocr识别
4C2022 AI智慧物流挑战赛邮件数据集.zip
2022-06-17 16:04:07 123.52MB 人工智能 交通物流 数据集
2022-06-17 12:05:02 668.3MB 数据集
大家好今天给大家带来一款配音小程序 这款小程序支持多种不同声音和场景的选择更人性化 比如说支持各地区的方言,英文,童声呀等等 另外也支持男声女声的选择,反正就是模板那些非常的多 当然啦音量,语调,语速那些都是可以DIY跳转的哟,所以说这一款小程序是不是特别的好! 小程序安装方法特别的简单,而且是免服务器和域名的 大家只需要上传到微信开发者工具然后提交审核即可 另外再设置一个合法域名就可以了,合法域名在压缩包里面 然后这一块小程序也就可以上线运营了
2022-06-17 09:09:42 152KB 微信小程序