Anatase TiO2 film with 3D network nanoporous structure consisted of 1D nanowires is obtained on SnO2:F (FTO) glass substrate by in-situ hydrothermal synthesis and applied in mesoporous perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3) solar cell. A thin Ti film is deposited on FTO substrate by magnetron sputtering before the
2021-02-22 14:05:46 2.62MB Perovskite solar cell; TiO2
We demonstrate a novel solution-processed method to fabricate a stable anode buffer layer Without any annealing process. As we know, buffer layers in polymer solar cells (PSCs) are always prepared hi the traditional high-vacuum thermal evaporation or annealing-treated spin-coating methods, but the f
2021-02-21 19:09:39 309KB phosphomolybdic acid; isopropyl alcohol;
太阳系实验室 界面设计-太阳系实验室
2021-02-16 21:04:10 43KB HTML
Modifying the surface of poly[bis(4-phenyl)(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)amine] (PTAA) with toluene during the high-speed spin-coating process of dimethylformamide considerably improves the wettability and morphology of PTAA and results in improvement of the crystallinity and absorption of perovskite film. The hole mobility and ohm contact have also been improved accordingly. Combined with these improved parameters, inverted perovskite solar cells with high efficiency of 19.13% and long-term stability
2021-02-03 23:50:32 3.03MB
2019-12-21 21:06:48 532KB solar
The new version of 6S (4.1) is available: download: 6sv4.1.tar.Z from ( (use ftp for transfer, user:anonymous passwd:"your email") then change directory to 6S NB:6sv4.1.tar.Z is compressed (standart unix compress) Please register to the user mailing list by writing to: The MICROSOFT WORD document (version 6.0 for Macintosh, in AppleSingle format) of the manual is also available. It has been split in 3 parts : 6smanv2.0_P1_msw 6smanv2.0_P2_msw 6smanv2.0_P3_msw Make sure you download the files in binary mode (either by ftp or Fetch). A compressed version of the files is also available : 6smanv2.0_P1_msw.Z 6smanv2.0_P2_msw.Z 6smanv2.0_P3_msw.Z Use the "uncompress" unix command to retrieve the original Word documents, prior to transfer them to Mac or PC. A PostScript and a PDF version of the manual are also available :,, 6smanv2.0_P1.pdf, 6smanv2.0_P2.pdf, 6smanv2.0_P3.pdf
2019-12-21 20:19:25 5.69MB 6S (4.1)
2019-12-21 20:14:06 19KB calendar js solar lunar
使用MATLAB 2014a的Simulink搭建的太阳能电池模型,其中开路电压、开路电流等均可进行修改,模型中有详细注释,经测试可以使用,能输出正确V-I曲线
2019-12-21 19:48:48 19KB 太阳能电池 Simulink 模型
压缩包内包含matlab代码和论文,根据论文提供的算法,计算太阳位置,包括方位角和高度角。 输入:位置(当地经度、纬度和海拔高度)、时间(年、月、日、时、分、秒,以及所在时区) 输出:太阳方位角和高度角 代码中给出了输入的格式样例,且论文非常详细。
2019-12-21 18:55:11 1.24MB 方位角 高度角