三星手机自带的smart view是很多小伙伴在用的,使用smart view功能可以快速的实现投屏,很多伙伴不知道怎么操作,那么三星smart view怎么投屏呢? 三星smart view怎么投屏 1、将手机和电视连接同一wifi网络; 2、打开三星SmartView,进行搜索; 3、在同一个网络下,Smart View功能会发现周边可用的Miracast的接收设备,选择电视设备即可投屏。 温馨提示:三星手机系统内置有一个叫做SmartView的功能,但是SmartView仅支持通过Miracast协议来投屏,如果你的电视不支持Miracast协议,则是无法使用这个功能。
2022-12-16 20:03:59 10.78MB 投屏 三星投屏 三星smartview 电脑投屏
Smart Link Monitor Link技术白皮书
2022-12-15 14:17:29 328KB 华三 思科 cisco 华为
西门子 S7-200SMART CAD图,这个是CPU的图,关于EM扩展模块图可以看我另一个下载,只做搬运工,顺便留下方便自己以后找。
2022-11-28 22:48:25 15.77MB 西门子 S7200smart
西门子S7-200 Smart与条码扫描枪自由口通信,实现串口读取扫码枪的数据
2022-11-26 17:22:23 8KB 200smart
一、信号优先通行 二、APP预约乘车 三、智慧公交都市平台
2022-11-21 15:56:45 2KB 测试 交通物流
2022-11-19 09:03:54 121KB smart 西门子 PLC
STEP 7 MicroWIN SMART V02.05.00 STEPwindows10开发环境
2022-11-18 09:22:44 292.77MB step plc
STEP 7-MicroWIN SMART的READ_RTC和SET_RTC太麻烦了,写成库调用吧,含四个指令R_DATE,R_TIME,W_DATE,W_TIME,看名字就知道作用了,输入输出都是INT类型数据,星期输出是1-7对应周一到周日,看着方便些,其它不多解释。遗憾的是由于STEP 7对局部变量个数的限制,导致修改之前没法对输入日期、时间的正确性做判断,但是不用转码了。没加密。
2022-11-15 09:04:46 3KB 西门子PLC SMART STEP7 指令库
smart card reader N99 SDK
2022-11-14 11:52:12 6.12MB smart card reader
ppt 第一页 it is my pleasure to take a presentation .my topic is the internet of things. ppt 第二页 firstly ,I should denote that the internet of things is a part of smart earth which is ibm ‘s dream .Except for internet of things ,the smart earth is composed of two other parts, they are the internet and internet clouds ppt第三页 Now I will introduce the internet of things. ppt第四页 The internet of things can be divided into three layers: sensor layer, network layer and the application layer. the bottom level is sensor layer . the function of sensor layer is to distinguish the objects, and collect information。 this layer includes two dimensional barcode label and conversational machine, RFID tags and literacy device, cameras, GPS, sensors, terminal, sensor network ,and so on。this layer is mainly used to identify the object, gathering information, just like human‘s nose eyes and ear . the second level is network layer . network layer is used for Information transmission and processing .the network layer includes network management center, information center and intelligent processing center, and so on. The network layer will transfer and process information obtained by sensor layer. it is similar to human‘s nerve center. the top level is application layer . the application layer is related to the industry demand .and different needs require different applications
2022-11-13 20:56:53 375KB internet things presentation smart