Robotframework自动化测试安装包-一键式安装。 环境变量需要自己手动处理,担心影响个别同学的环境 详见我的博客: 本安装包适用于64位操作系统
2019-12-21 18:55:20 53.47MB RF 64
双通道差分发射器(Tx) 双通道差分接收器(Tx) 具有2个输入的观测接收器(ORx) 具有3个输入的嗅探器接收器(SnRx) 可调范围:300 MHz至6000 MHz Tx合成带宽(BW):250 MHz Rx带宽:8 MHz至100 MHz 支持频分双工(FDD)和时分双工(TDD)工作模式 完全集成的独立小数N分频射频(RF),用于Tx、Rx、ORx和时钟生成 JESD204B数字接口
2019-12-21 18:53:56 1.07MB RF
《ADS应用详解——射频电路设计与仿真》 【作者】 陈艳华 李朝晖 夏玮 【编辑】 刘浩 【ISBN】 978-7-115-18407-8 介绍使用ADS进行射频电路设计和仿真的基础知识和方法。内容涉及射频电路的基础理论、ADS的基本概况以及ADS各种仿真功能,书中完整地介绍了6个利用ADS进行射频电路设计与仿真的实例,包括功率分配器、射频滤波器、低噪声放大器、混频器、压控振荡器和收发机。 分卷压缩的,这是第一部分,下载后放在一起才能解压。 part2: 文件较大,网速慢的朋友请耐心下载。 其它有用资料: 《ADS2009射频电路设计与仿真》范例 part1: part2: Agilent提供ADS2009自由下载,不用注册,并可申请试用license, 地址在
2019-12-21 18:51:14 38.51MB ADS RF RRID 仿真
2019-12-21 18:51:01 2.26MB 天线 无线电 电子 RF
lumped elements for rf and microwave circuits
2019-12-21 18:49:16 9.79MB lumped elements
RF,IC,NFC,S50F工具集 ,绝对全集,不来虚的,目录如下, 无线电频谱划分.txt ├─android │ Letao_src.rar │ MifareClassicTool-1.8.0.apk │ Mifare_安卓_IC卡_读写 Mifare Classic Tool_1.7.3.apk │ nfca.txt │ NFCa[NFC模拟].apk │ ├─CPU卡 │ CPU_卡技术-CH_4-非接触式_IC卡.ppt │ CPU卡安全认证技术.pdf │ CPU卡技术2.ppt ├─M1_Tools │ │ ACS EasyKey.exe │ │ ACS Mifare key Management Tool.exe │ │ ASCII码随心换V3.0.0.2.exe │ │ crapto1gui.exe │ │ fixdump[convert_1k-4k].exe │ │ Mifare card write.exe │ │ MIFARE classic card recovery tools[for UID]207.exe │ │ MIFARE recovery process.txt │ │ PCSC 207 mifare oper.exe │ │ PCSC Mifare Programmming.exe │ │ PCSC Mifare 操作软件.exe │ │ 校验-CheckTool.exe │ │ 校验-异或计算器.exe │ ├─M1卡服务程序mfocgui │ ├─MifareOfflineCrackerGUI_v29 ├─M1_资料 │ 2008-esorics.pdf │ A Practical Attack on the MIFARE Classic.pdf │ Conditional Multiple_.pdf │ Dismantling MIFARE Classic.pdf │ Dismantling-MIFARE-Classic.pdf │ Mifare classic默认密钥列表.txt │ mifare卡的初值说明及使用方法.doc │ openpcd_v04-sch.pdf │ openpcd_v04_place.pdf │ Pickpocketing.Mifare.pdf │ Proxmark3使用案例 - RadioWar Wiki.mht │ RFID破解三两事 - 网络安全 - 红黑联盟.mht │ THE DARK SIDE OF SECURITY BY OBSCURITY.pdf │ The-MIFARE-Hack.pdf │ Wirelessly Pickpocketing a Mifare Classic Card.pdf ├─NFCTools │ nfc-emulate.exe │ nfc-list.exe │ nfc-mfclassic.exe │ nfc-mfultralight.exe │ nfc-poll.exe │ nfc-relay.exe │ nfc.dll │ nfcip-initiator.exe │ nfcip-target.exe └─红外遥控器 万能学习型红外遥控器制作.pdf 常用万能学习型红外遥控器设计资料.pdf 红外学习型遥控器的设计.doc
2014-12-12 00:00:00 31.43MB RF IC NFC S50
Steve Cripps关于Power Amplifier的第二版的书,值得参考
2013-08-08 00:00:00 3.69MB PA
A great deal has changed since Chris Bowick’s RF Circuit Design was first published, some 25 years ago. In fact, we could just say that the RF industry has changed quite a bit since the days of Marconi and Tesla—both technological visionaries woven into the fabric of history as the men who enabled radio communications. Who could have envisioned that their innovations in the late 1800’s would lay the groundwork for the eventual creation of the radio—a key component in all mobile and portable communications systems that exist today? Or, that their contributions would one day lead to such a compelling array of RF applications, ranging from radar to the cordless telephone and everything in between. Today, the radio stands as the backbone of the wireless industry. It is in virtually every wireless device, whether a cellular phone, measurement/instrumentation system used in manufacturing, satellite communications system, television or the WLAN.
2010-05-07 00:00:00 17.82MB RF Circuit Design 射频电路设计