GPUInfo Beta 10: 检查显卡真假,软超频; NiBiTor.v5.6: 显卡Bios修改工具,只有原始Bios才可以从驱动读取BIOS Nvflash 5.100: N卡Bios刷新工具,语法如下: 备份Bios nvflash -b back.rom 刷新Bios nvflash new.rom 或者 nvflash -4 -5 -6 new.rom 关闭/开启Bios保护 nvflash --protectoff/--protecton
2022-03-06 10:28:23 2.93MB Nvidia 超频 BIOS 真假显卡检查
联想扬天m4680n bios 升级程序,适用于90KT20CUS升级,解决主板不认4g以上内存,不能安装64位系统等问题,让10年上以上的老电脑重换生机,压缩包中有刷bios工具和biso
2022-03-05 21:38:39 2.13MB BIOS 扬天M4680N
2022-03-05 00:54:41 256KB bios
机械师 bios 机械师 bios 机械师 bios
2022-03-04 20:29:57 3.09MB bios
2022-03-03 22:52:48 1.33MB BIOS
2022-03-03 19:56:23 5.89MB bios提取
屏幕分辩率2K 1920*1200 224ppi 作为平板完全够用 比1280*800的强不是一点两点 毕竟看平板不用和手机似的距离近 .看电影爽 续航不错 系统反应速度快 cs1.6很流畅 本人不玩网游 网游没试过 就是不知道软件下多了会不会卡 毕竟不能和台式机笔记本比. 苏宁1899买的 新机当场拆封 , 激活 送了一套无线键鼠.
2022-03-03 15:42:04 8MB 先锋W10
This book provides an overview of modern boot firmware, including the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (Uefi) and its associated Efi Developer Kit Ii (Edkii) firmware. The authors have each made significant contributions to developments in these areas. The reader will learn to use the latest developments in Uefi on modern hardware, including open source firmware and open hardware designs. The book begins with an exploration of interfaces exposed to higher-level software and operating systems, and commences to the left of the boot timeline, describing the flow of typical systems, beginning with the machine restart event. Software engineers working with Uefi will benefit greatly from this book, while specific sections of the book address topics relevant for a general audience: system architects, pre-operating-system application developers, operating system vendors (loader, kernel), independent hardware vendors (such as for plug-in adapters), and developers of end-user applications. As a secondary audience, project technical leaders or managers may be interested in this book to get a feel for what their engineers are doing. The reader will find: * An overview of Uefi and underlying Platform Initialization (Pi) specifications * How to create Uefi applications and drivers * Workflow to design the firmware solution for a modern platform * Advanced usages of Uefi firmware for security and manageability Table of Contents Chapter 1 – Introduction Chapter 2 – Basic UEFI Architecture Chapter 3 – UEFI Driver Model Chapter 4 – Protocols You Should Know Chapter 5 – UEFI Runtime Chapter 6 – UEFI Console Services Chapter 7 – Different Types of Platforms Chapter 8 – DXE Basics: Core, Dispatching, and Drivers Chapter 9 – Some Common UEFI and PI Functions Chapter 10 – Platform Security and Trust Chapter 11 – Boot Device Selection Chapter 12 – Boot Flows Chapter 13 – Pre-EFI Initialization (PEI) Chapter 14 – Putting It All Together–Firmware Emulation Chapter 15 – Reducing Platform Boot Times Chapter 16 – Reducing Platform Boot Times Chapter 17 – Manageability Appendix A – Data Types Appendix B – Status Codes
2022-03-02 11:43:35 12.38MB BIOS UEFI
软件介绍: 外国大神最新的刷联想Y470/570 BIOS工具,需要的小伙伴赶紧拿走吧。刷BIOS有一定的风险,操作时请谨慎,本版本为网友分享的。AtpTimerInfoX64.dllDing.wavFlsHook.exeFlsHookDll.dllFWUpdLcl.exeInsydeFlashx64.exeIQY0212A.biniscflashx64.dlliscflashx64.sysplatform.inixerces-c_2_7.dll
2022-02-28 21:21:20 3.33MB 其他资源
2022-02-28 16:04:30 8.06MB 联想 420C win7 BIOS