VMware-viewclient 5.3的,64位操作系统的,现在64为操作系统的操作系统多了,所以。。。
2022-05-19 10:08:54 38.75MB VMware viewclient
PHP极速链站群3.0系统 开源版 PHP极速链站群3.0系统 开源版
2022-05-18 21:46:12 196KB PHP极速链站群 3.0 开源版
2022-05-18 09:40:34 14.84MB
PCI Local Bus Specification R3.0英文版
2022-05-17 22:00:32 3.06MB PCI localbus Specification
The PCI Local Bus Specification, Rev. 3.0, includes the protocol,electrical,mechanical, and configuration specification for PCI Local Bus components and add-in cards. The electrical definition provides for the 3.3V signaling environment.
2022-05-17 19:43:13 3MB PCI Revision 3.0 MSI
SeismoSignal v3.3.0全功能试用版,到2009-12-31过期。
2022-05-17 18:48:48 6.8MB SeismoSignal
锐捷_RCNP 3.0考题.pdf
2022-05-16 18:03:07 3.23MB 文档资料 锐捷 RCNP
1. Installation Copy the distribution file to the ESXi host datastore using scp or some other data transfer system. Decompress the file from the ESXi console or via SSH: tar xzvf esxi-unlocker-xxx.tgz (xxx - will be the version number, for example, 300) Run the command from the terminal: ./esxi-install.sh Finally reboot the server. 2. Uninstallation Open the ESXi console or login via SSH and chnage to the folder where the files were extracted. Run the command from the terminal: ./esxi-uninstall.sh Finally reboot the server.
2022-05-16 14:28:32 6KB Mac OS
Emlog主题FysPro重构版v3.0 emlog模板FYS模板3.0完美修复Pro版本,这些天发现很多人都非常喜欢FYS优化版模板,然后以前的模版又不支持EmloPro, 然后今天趁着有时间给重新适配了下,模版现在已经全部重写了,去除了前个版本遗留的N个bug,支持更高的php版本。 环境需求: php7X mysql5.6-5.7 emlogpro v3.0更新日记: 去除无用代码,模版更轻量化 去除会员中心,使用官方提供的会员中心 更加的安全 侧边栏最新评论改成QQ头像与会员头像 去除首页幻灯片 模板位置:http://你的域名/content/templates/fys
2022-05-16 14:06:18 1017KB Emlog Emlog主题 FysPro
2022-05-16 09:39:05 10.02MB cen;wosa;xfs