Memory Card is a memory card that is specifically designed to meet the security, capacity, performance, and environment requirements inherent in newly emerging audio and video consumer electronic devices. The SD Memory Card will include a content protection mechanism that complies with the security of the SDMI standard and will be faster and capable of higher Memory capacity. The SD Memory Card security system uses mutual authentication and a "new cipher algorithm" to protect against illegal usage of the card content. A Non-secure access to the user's own content is also available. SD memory cards may also support a second security system based on commonly used standards, such as ISO-7816, which can be used to interface the SD memory card into public networks and other systems supporting mobile e-commerce and digital signature applications
2019-12-21 19:29:24 2.64MB SD协议
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1) CRC物理化学手册, 2016最新版,英文原版,96th edition, 3020页。 2) 工科及理科必备的参考手册。 3) PDF书签带目录带封面。 The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 96th Edition is an update of a classic reference. The 96th Edition contains several new features including, but not limited to – a major update to the table of isotopes, the first major compilation of high quality data of protein-ligand binding thermodynamics, and an important new collection of NMR data critical for understanding outcomes of organic syntheses. Plus, twelve lists have been updated such as, the physical properties of organic compounds and the latest experimental values of bond dissociation energies. Building on the new feature first introduced in the 94th edition, four historical figures in science will be honored on the end plates.
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2019-12-21 18:55:40 11.76MB Git Mastering Version Control
Cisco Packet Tracer is a software in which you can simulate the complete network by adding and connecting different network devices. Cisco Packet Tracer is a competitor to the open source GNS3 and Bosan NetSim
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Cay Horstmann's sixth edition of Big Java, Early Objects provides an approachable introduction to fundamental programming techniques and design skills, helping students master basic concepts and become competent coders. Updates for the Java 8 software release and additional visual design elements make this student-friendly text even more engaging. The text is known for its realistic programming examples, great quantity and variety of homework assignments, and programming exercises that build student problem-solving abilities. This edition now includes problem solving sections, more example code online, and exercise from Science and Business. This text is an unbound, three hole punched version. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Using Objects Chapter 3 Implementing Classes Chapter 4 Fundamental Data Types Chapter 5 Decisions Chapter 6 Loops Chapter 7 Arrays and Array Lists Chapter 8 Designing Classes Chapter 9 Inheritance Chapter 10 Interfaces Chapter 11 Input/Input and Exception Handling Chapter 12 Object-Oriented Design Chapter 13 Recursion Chapter 14 Sorting and Searching Chapter 15 The Java Collections Framework Chapter 16 Basic Data Structures Chapter 17 Tree Structures Chapter 18 Generic Classes Chapter 19 Stream Processing Chapter 20 Graphical User Interfaces Chapter 21 Advanced Input/Output Chapter 22 Multithreading Chapter 23 Internet Networking Chapter 24 Relational Databases Chapter 25 XML Chapter 26 Web Applications Appendix A The Basic Latin and Latin-1 Subsets of Unicode Appendix B Java Operator Summary Appendix C Java Reserved Word Summary Appendix D The Java Library Appendix E Java Language Coding Guidelines Appendix F Tool Summary Appendix G Number Systems Appendix H UML Summary Appendix I Java Syntax Summary Appendix J HTML Summary
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