SATA规范2.6版(Serial ATA Revision 2.6),英文原版PDF,可复制内容,共计600页,需要了解或从事SATA接口产品开发的工程师推荐下载
2021-09-10 11:08:40 7.37MB SATA specification 2.5 规范
PCIE接口标准,PCI Express Card Electromechanical Specification Revision 3.0
2021-09-08 15:02:34 2.06MB pci-e Revision3.0 高速信号接口 PCIE标准
附件是英文版的。 这是 Bjarne Stroustrup 的一篇论文。要小心,因为这非常困难。
2021-09-03 18:08:03 251KB c++
附件是英文版的。 这是 Bjarne Stroustrup 的一篇论文。要小心,因为这非常困难。
2021-09-03 18:08:02 208KB c++
SATA 3.1黄金版,对理解SATA协议非常有帮助
2021-08-30 20:48:15 8.94MB Serial ATA 3.1 Revision
PCI Express Card 1 Electromechanical 2 Specification Revision 4.0, Version 1.0 contains the revisions with change bar and without change bar.
2021-08-20 17:01:30 7.97MB PCIe Specification Revision 4.0
此版本为修订版,以解决海康sdk无法通过代理访问公网的问题。修订点:修改海康artemis-http-client-1.1.3.jar中的HttpUtil.java为支持配置代理。 配置项如下: @Component public class HikvisionPropertiesConfig { // 是否打开代理 1打开 0 关闭 @Value("${default.agentOpen}") private void setAgentOpen(String agentOpen){ HttpUtil.agentOpen = agentOpen; } //代理地址ip @Value("${default.agentHost}") private void setAgentPath(String agentPath){ HttpUtil.agentPath = agentPath; } //代理地址port @Value("${default.agentPort}") private void setAgentPort(String agentPort){ HttpUtil.agentPort = agentPort; } }
2021-08-20 01:26:53 43KB 海康artems平台 Hikvision 海康artemssdk
Express base specification revision 3.0 2010,11.10最新版本
2021-08-17 15:42:07 4.97MB PCIE PCI Express revision
The USB Billboard Device Class definition describes the methods used to communicate the AUM supported by a Device Container to a host system. This includes string descriptors that can be used to provide support details in a human-readable format. This specification does not describe the functionality/methodology by which the Device Container shall switch to an AUM. An example of a Device Container that shall support this class is one that supports PCIe over the USB Type-C connector.
2021-08-15 01:52:50 433KB usb 资源达人分享计划
DDR4 SDRAM UDIMM Design Specification Revision 1.22 August 2019
2021-08-13 15:35:59 1.48MB DDR4 UDIMM