2022-03-22 18:40:30 942KB quantum-computing autoencoders JupyterNotebook
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information(ebook) 10th Anniversary Edition Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang
2022-03-22 12:25:00 6.06MB Quantum Computation and Quantum
2022-03-12 22:42:47 1.95MB 量子纠缠 自发参量 量子信息 quantum
The aim of this book is to develop from the ground up" all of the major exciting preand post millenium developments in the general area of study known as quantum Shannon theory As such we spend a signicant amount of time on quantum mechanics for quantum information theory Part II we give a careful study of the important unit protocols of teleportation super dense coding and entanglement distribution Part III and we develop many of the tools necessary for understanding information transmission or compression Part IV Parts V and VI are the culmination of this book where all of the tools developed come into play for understanding many of the important results in quantum Shannon theory">The aim of this book is to develop from the ground up" all of the major exciting preand post millenium developments in the general area of study known as quantum Shannon theory As such we spend a signicant amount of time on quantum mechanics for quantum information theory Part II we giv [更多]
2022-03-06 11:49:17 6.66MB quantum information theory
Information Theory and Quantum Physics
2022-03-06 10:44:32 2.66MB Information Physics Quantum Theory
很详细的而且材料很新的量子信息教材, 叙述观点数学与物理相结合. 涉及了大量通常的量子信息/量子计算教材上不曾提及的内容.
2022-03-06 10:35:25 15.23MB 量子信息
2022-03-06 10:26:40 2.02MB Quantum Information
2022-03-06 10:16:24 2.35MB 量子 信息
Explorations in Quantum Computing What is Quantum Computing? What Can You Do with a Quantum Computer? What Can You Do with Quantum Information? Towards Practical Quantum Computers
2022-03-04 10:08:01 9.94MB 量子计算
海森堡 用于一维海森堡模型的精确对角化的Julia模块 精确的时间演化