<>的中文版 学习操作系统的好书
2021-01-03 02:01:58 26.28MB freeBSD 操作系统 operating system
freebsd mastery zfs系列的第一本,非常实用,作者Michael Lucas。英文版。
2021-01-01 17:35:54 6.21MB freebsd zfs 文件系统
Absolute FreeBSD dives deep into server management, taking you beyond just making things work and into understanding why they work. With Absolute FreeBSD readers will get the solid introduction they need while fans of the earlier editions will expand their skills even further.
2019-12-21 22:12:43 19.06MB Operating Sy FreeBSD
FREEBSD操作系统设计与实现 清晰中文版 (附英文原版) (共2个分卷) part1
2019-12-21 19:41:40 19.07MB freeBSD 操作系统 设计 实现
FREEBSD操作系统设计与实现 清晰中文版+英文原版 (共2卷) part2
2019-12-21 19:41:40 13.46MB FREEBSD 操作系统 设计与实现 清晰中文版
This book is all about DTrace, with the emphasis on using DTrace to understand, observe, and diagnose systems and applications. A deep understanding of the details of how DTrace works is not necessary to using DTrace to diagnose and solve problems; thus, the book covers using DTrace on systems and applications, with command-line examples and a great many D scripts. Depending on your level of experience, we intend the book’s organization to facilitate its use as a reference guide, allowing you to refer to specific chapters when diagnosing a particular area of the system or application.
2019-12-21 19:28:20 11.81MB DTrace
西北工业大学计算机操作系统实验报告 FreeBSD
2019-12-21 19:22:30 538KB 西工大 操作系统 FreeBSD