最近实验项目用到了车牌识别的数据集,在CSDN上下了格式各样的数据集,发现踩了好多坑。付出许多积分后我将好用的数据打包做了汇总,希望是你们所需要的。 该数据集包含两个文件夹,一是代表训练集的车牌字符集,(分割和标注好的车牌符号(英文+中文)的灰度图片)。 二是,用于作为测试数据的车牌照片(彩色车辆车牌照片)共183张。
2020-03-23 03:08:53 70.82MB 车牌识别 训练集 车牌字符集 测试集
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 课后习题完整答案! 与其他的不完全答案是有区别的哈! 大家可以仔细的看下,这个是1.5M!
2020-03-10 03:02:59 1.58MB 模式识别与机器学习
letter-recognition 字符识别数据库 CSV格式
2020-01-27 03:13:32 709KB letter recognition 字符识别
letter-recognition字符识别数据库 data格式
2020-01-27 03:13:32 715KB letter recognition 字符识别
Machine rule induction was examined on a difficult categorization problem by applying a Hollandstyle classifier system to a complex letter recognition task. A set of 20,000 unique letter images was generated by randomly distorting pixel images of the 26 uppercase letters from 20 different commercial fonts. The parent fonts represented a full range of character types including script, italic, serif, and Gothic. The features of each of the 20,000 characters were summarized in terms of 16 primitive numerical attributes. Our research focused on machine induction techniques for generating IF-THEN classifiers in which the IF part was a list of values for each of the 16 attributes and the THEN part was the correct category, i.e., one of the 26 letters of the alphabet. We examined the effects of different procedures for encoding attributes, deriving new rules, and apportioning credit among the rules. Binary and Gray-code attribute encodings that required exact matches for rule activation were compared with integer representations that employed fuzzy matching for rule activation. Random and genetic methods for rule creation were compared with instance-based generalization. The strength/specificity method for credit apportionment was compared with a procedure we call "accuracy/utility."
2020-01-27 03:01:38 1.36MB Letter Recognition Classifiers
机器学习书籍Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning《模式识别及机器学习》的中英文教程以及完整的英文答案
2020-01-09 03:07:17 19.16MB PRML 中英文 答案
论文翻译,保留原文排版。 SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition
2020-01-08 03:00:31 2.74MB 人脸识别 深度学习 SphereFace 度量学习
图像识别与分类的算法系统应用的论文集 This book presents important recent advances in sensors, image processing algorithms, and systems for image recognition and classification with diverse applications in military, aerospace, security, image tracking, radar, biomedical, and intelligent transportation. The book includes contributions by some of the leading researchers in the field to present an overview of advances in image recognition and classification over the past decade. It provides both theoretical and practical information on advances in the field.
2020-01-05 00:33:37 8.43MB image recognition
UI 设计包括界面设计、菜单栏布局、进度条、结果展示和图片展示区域划分 几个主要任务。图像预处理包括图像的灰度化、二值化、反色处理、图形锐化、 数字分割、归一化等主要任务。特征提取为使用不同的特征提取方法,对于预处 理过的图像,进行数字特征提取。图像识别是对于数字图像,将特征提取出的数 字矩阵数组,采用不同的识别方法,一个个地识别出他们对应的数字,最终显示 在界面。
2020-01-03 11:44:05 206.13MB fisher knn svm recognition
2020-01-03 11:27:43 381KB ocr