数据库管理系统原理与设计(第3版) 货真价实第三版英文版我还会上传第三版英文版和习题答案!RaghuRamakrishnan Johannes Gehrke
2019-12-21 20:26:51 17.5MB Database Management RaghuRamakri Johannes
Publication Date: November 17, 2010 | ISBN-10: 1441977864 | ISBN-13: 978-1441977861 | Edition: 2011 Financial engineers have access to enormous quantities of data but need powerful methods for extracting quantitative information, particularly about volatility and risks. Key features of this textbook are: illustration of concepts with financial markets and economic data, R Labs with real-data exercises, and integration of graphical and analytic methods for modeling and diagnosing modeling errors. Despite some overlap with the author's undergraduate textbook Statistics and Finance: An Introduction, this book differs from that earlier volume in several important aspects: it is graduate-level; computations and graphics are done in R; and many advanced topics are covered, for example, multivariate distributions, copulas, Bayesian computations, VaR and expected shortfall, and cointegration. The prerequisites are basic statistics and probability, matrices and linear algebra, and calculus. Some exposure to finance is helpful.
2019-12-21 20:25:59 11.4MB Portfolio Management
敏捷项目管理(第二版),amazon上五星级评价 Addison Wesley, 2009 Best practices for managing projects in agile environments—now updated with new techniques for larger projects Today, the pace of project management moves faster. Project management needs to become more flexible and far more responsive to customers. Using Agile Project Management (APM), project managers can achieve all these goals without compromising value, quality, or business discipline. In Agile Project Management, Second Edition, renowned agile pioneer Jim Highsmith thoroughly updates his classic guide to APM, extending and refining it to support even the largest projects and organizations. Writing for project leaders, managers, and executives at all levels, Highsmith integrates the best project management, product management, and software development practices into an overall framework designed to support unprecedented speed and mobility. The many topics added in this new edition include incorporating agile values, scaling agile projects, release planning, portfolio governance, and enhancing organizational agility. Project and business leaders will especially appreciate Highsmith’s new coverage of promoting agility through performance measurements based on value, quality, and constraints. This edition’s coverage includes: * Understanding the agile revolution’s impact on product development * Recognizing when agile methods will work in project management, and when they won’t * Setting realistic business objectives for Agile Project Management * Promoting agile values and principles across the organization * Utilizing a proven Agile Enterprise Framework that encompasses governance, project and iteration management, and technical practices * Optimizing all five stages of the agile project: Envision, Speculate, Explore, Adapt, and Close * Organizational and product-related processes for scaling agile to the largest projects and teams * A
2019-12-21 20:23:12 5.79MB pm chm
Retail Financial Services Symmetric Key Management
2019-12-21 20:22:33 632KB Key Management
数据库管理系统原理与设计(第3版) 货真价实第三版英文版 我还会上传第三版英文版和习题答案! RaghuRamakrishnan Johannes Gehrke
2019-12-21 20:22:13 19.65MB Database Management RaghuRamakrishnan Johannes
数据库管理系统 第三版,奶牛书 内容包括:数据库设计,应用开发,存储和索引等
2019-12-21 20:22:06 19.21MB DBMS
针对ACE应用的VMWARE Workstation ACE注册机,当前没有7.1的ACE注册机可用。配合Vmware Ace Management Server v2.x可组建企业安全计算机网络。 FOR WINDOWS.
2019-12-21 20:21:35 35KB VMware ACE Management
EMS MySQL Manager 2010破解汉化(附详细教程带图)
2019-12-21 20:08:32 6.63MB SQL Management 2010 教程
学生成绩管理系统,功能如下: (1)添加功能:程序能够添加不同学生的记录,提供选择界面供用户选择所要添加的类别,要求学号要唯一,如果添加了重复学号的记录时,则提示数据添加重复并取消添加。 (2)查询功能:可根据学号、姓名等信息对已添加的学生记录进行查询,如果未找到,给出相应的提示信息,如果找到,则显示相应的记录信息。 (3)显示功能:可显示当前系统中所有学生的记录,每条记录占据一行。 (4)编辑功能:可根据查询结果对相应的记录进行修改,修改时注意学号的唯一性。 (5)删除功能:主要实现对已添加的学生记录进行删除。如果当前系统中没有相应的记录,则提示“记录为空!”并返回操作。 (6)统计功能:能根据多种参数进行统计。能统计学生人数、总分、单科的平均分等。 (7)保存功能:可将当前系统中各类记录存入文件中,存入方式任意。 (8)读取功能:可将保存在文件中的信息读入到当前系统中,供用户进行使用。 (9)排序功能:可按总分和单科成绩排名次。
2019-12-21 20:07:10 359KB C++ 学生成绩管理系统
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge 5th edition PMBOK Guide 项目管理知识体系指南 第5版 一本很好的项目管理指导书 是英文版的
2019-12-21 19:56:26 7.82MB PMBOK? Guide 5th