该文件包含 jlink ob stm32f072 的原理图 pcb图 固件,仅供学习使用,禁止商用。禁止任何商用盈利行为。 相关展示贴 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39663845/article/details/89225694 ps:发现个错误,GPIOB的丝印是错的,重新上传麻烦,就不上传了
2020-01-03 11:32:15 1.14MB jlink f072 原理图 pcb图
segger j link keygen 使用jflash烧程序的时候需要的license
2020-01-03 11:32:09 346KB Jlink
J-Link Software and Documentation pack for Windows Installing the software will automatically install the J-Link USB drivers and offers to update applications which use the J-Link DLL. Multiple versions of the J-Link software can be installed on the same PC without problems; they will co-exist in different directories.
2020-01-03 11:27:49 32.35MB JTAG J_link
• Any ARM7/ARM9, Cortex-M0/M1/M3/M4 and Renesas RX600 core supported • Microcontroller (internal flash) support. • Support for most external flash chips (For more information please refer to Target systems on page 75). • High speed programming: up to 200 KBytes/sec* (depending on flash device). • Very high speed blank check: approximately 16 MBytes/sec (depending on the chip). • Smart read back: only non-blank portions of flash are transferred and saved. • Free evaluation licenses available. • Verbose logging of all communication. • .hex, .mot, .srec, and .bin support. • Intuitive user interface. 仅用于学习用途,解释权归SEEGER所有
2020-01-03 11:19:45 13.01MB SEEGER JLINK
JLINK V8转接板原理图为开发者提供了二次开发资料
2019-12-25 11:28:55 20KB JLINK V8转接板
该资源包含J-LINK 固件恢复工具和需要的bin固件,实用简单,快速复活你的jlink。
2019-12-21 22:24:17 5.09MB JLINK V8 固件恢复 J-LINK
新版MDK-RAM_v5.25.2使用JLink下载调试““**JLink Warning: Mis-aligned memory read: Address: ......”错误解决
2019-12-21 22:20:02 1.94MB 问题解决
非常棒的资源,用来刷jlink V8固件非常的好用
2019-12-21 22:19:16 3.67MB jlink V8 刷固件
传统的stm32单片程序的调试和下载需要连接笨重的JLINK,而这个 JLINK&串口二合一,只有U盘的大小,并且JLINK和串口集成到一块,不再需要更换串口
2019-12-21 22:15:59 25.32MB JLINK&串口
JLINK-ARM-OB-STM32最新固件 包含原理图和PCB
2019-12-21 22:15:20 151KB JLINK OB STM32 固件