Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB shows Java developers and architects how to build robust J2EE applications without having to use Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB).
2021-09-07 15:42:05 7.94MB EJB J2EE without
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2021-08-22 20:09:26 3.25MB java crawler weibo Java
A couple of years ago, Facebook switched its production servers from a PHP-to-C++ compiler to their own HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) and then launched a new version of PHP to run on HHVM called Hack. This comprehensive guide—written by a member of the core HHVM and Hack teams at Facebook—shows you how to get up and running with both HHVM and Hack. What makes them useful? The HHVM engine is faster and more performant than the Zend engine, which can save Facebook and other large-scale sites millions of dollars in servers and maintenance. And while the Hack language looks and acts like PHP, it also contains new features such as static typing, generics, native collections, which PHP developers have long needed. Pick up this book and explore two important programming innovations that help Facebook run a tighter ship. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Typechecking Chapter 2. Generics Chapter 3. Other Features of Hack Chapter 4. PHP Features Not Supported in Hack Chapter 5. Collections Chapter 6. Async Chapter 7. XHP Chapter 8. Configuring and Deploying HHVM Chapter 9. hphpd: Interactive Debugging Chapter 10. Hack Tools
2021-08-22 00:58:10 2.77MB Hack HHVM Programming
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两篇文献的调研报告: (1)Deep Image Prior (2)EnlightenGAN-Deep Light Enhancement without Paired Supervision
2021-08-03 09:49:42 787KB 深度学习 图像处理
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2021-08-03 09:45:13 4KB kafka
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2021-07-30 15:32:59 228.92MB Spark 1.6.3 without hive
该资源是我最近下载的MobiCom2019论文集,没有Demo,Poster和Workshop,因为我只看常规论文,在此共享出来,方便大家研究, 可对照按分类阅读
2021-07-25 17:00:56 235.96MB MobiCom