HTTP Debugger Pro,主要是用来测试调试复杂的网站应用程序,通过这款软件可以帮助用户实时跟踪显示浏览器和网站服务器之间的所有通讯信息,既是一个专业的网络抓包工具,也是一款网站开发调试工具,网站开发人员可以通过它来分析程序和互联网之间的通信,可以查看和分析任何应用程序和 web 服务器之间通过 HTTP 和 HTTPS 协议的通信,开发人员根据这些信息可以对网站进行优化和调试,网站运行更加稳定。支持Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera和谷歌Chrome等浏览器,是一款非常专业的网站开发工具。
2021-02-21 19:01:39 2.87MB HTTPDebugger 9.11 汉化
Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoft Excel, VBA, and .NET (2nd Edition) 2nd Edition by Rob Bovey (Author), Dennis Wallentin (Author), Stephen Bullen (Author), John Green (Author) “As Excel applications become more complex and the Windows development platform more powerful, Excel developers need books like this to help them evolve their solutions to the next level of sophistication. Professional Excel Development is a book for developers who want to build powerful, state-of-the-art Excel applications using the latest Microsoft technologies.” –Gabhan Berry, Program Manager, Excel Programmability, Microsoft “The first edition of Professional Excel Development is my most-consulted and most-recommended book on Office development. The second edition expands both the depth and range. It shines because it takes every issue one step further than you expect. The book relies on the authors’ current, real-world experience to cover not only how a feature works, but also the practical implications of using it in professional work.” –Shauna Kelly, Director, Thendara Green “This book illustrates techniques that will result in well-designed, robust, and maintainable Excel-based applications. The authors’ advice comes from decades of solid experience of designing and building applications. The practicality of the methods is well illustrated by the example timesheet application that is developed step-by-step through the book. Every serious Excel developer should read this and learn from it. I did.” – Bill Manville, Application Developer, Bill Manville Associates The Start-to-Finish Guide to Building State-of-the-Art Solutions with Excel 2007 In this book, four world-class Microsoft® Excel developers offer start-to-finish guidance for building powerful, robust, and secure applications with Excel. The authors—three of whom have been honored by Microsoft as Excel Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs)—show how to consist
2021-02-15 07:50:28 17.69MB Excel
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【先看下链接有没失效,再下提取码】详细的版本是: Visual Studio 2017 Professional 15.9.28307.1321, 使用WINRAR压缩,为防止文件损坏加了3%恢复记录, 网盘里自带校验工具和MD5校验码,建议下载过来先校验一次:
2021-02-09 19:02:07 190B vs2017 15.9.28 专业版
【先看下链接有没失效,再下提取码】详细的版本是: Visual Studio 2019 Professional version 16.8.30804.86, 使用WINRAR压缩,为防止文件损坏加了3%恢复记录, 网盘里自带校验工具和MD5校验码,建议下载过来先校验一次: 链接:
2021-02-09 19:02:06 131B vs2019 16.8.30 中文
统一Web应用框架将Web应用程序开发经验扩展到一个新的维度。 Unigui使Delphi开发人员能够使用一组独特的可视化组件在ide中创建、设计和调试Web应用程序。 每个组件的设计是为了在DelphiVCL中提供与其对应的视觉组件相同的功能。 这提供了一个非常舒适的开发环境,非常接近本地VCL应用程序开发,并且具有易于学习的曲线。 Unigui Web应用程序可以使用windows服务、独立服务器或isapi模块等可用部署选项之一部署到服务器上。
2021-02-07 18:01:48 41.15MB Delphi BS
Visual Studio 2019下载包
2021-01-30 02:01:00 1.34MB visual studio
PocketControllerProfessional Pocket Controller allows you to operate and control your Pocket PC, Smartphone or any other Windows CE based device directly from your desktop computer. This means that you can use your desktop keyboard and mouse to interact with programs running on your Mobile Device. Pocket Controller displays your Mobile Device on the desktop in the Pocket Controller window. To use Pocket Controller you need to have ActiveSync 3.7 or later installed.
2021-01-28 04:01:46 4.25MB PocketController
2021-01-28 03:38:05 1.32MB VS2019
2021-01-28 03:10:46 5.17MB XML高级编程