Visual C++开发实战1200例第1卷高清+完整源代码 本书是第一卷 共计602个例子。涵盖了基础开发和高级设计。适合初级和中级开发人员,里面有电子书和源代码,易于学习和掌握知识。百度网盘下载。
2019-12-21 19:37:16 49B 百度网盘下载
2019-12-21 19:31:36 11.71MB HFSS 李明洋
Book Description Written for the moderately experienced Java programmer, this book builds on readers¿ existing knowledge of object-oriented programming and covers all important aspects of Standard C++—emphasizing more lower-level C-style details later in the presentation. Chapter topics include philosophy of C++, simplest C++, pointers and reference variables, object-based programming: classes, operator overloading, object-oriented programming: inheritance, templates, abnormal control flow, input and output, collections: the standard template library, primitive arrays and strings, C-style C++, and using Java and C++: the JNI. For new C++ programmers converted from Java. For experienced Java programmers and students who require the skills of C++ programming, best-selling author Mark Allen Weiss bridges the gap. He efficiently presents the complex C++ language in this well-designed tutorial/reference that both students and seasoned programmers will appreciate. The book is ideal as a primary text for intermediate C++ courses, as a supplemental no-nonsense reference for other courses, or for independent learning by professionals. C++ for Java Programmers is a concise, well-written text that provides authoritative and up-to-date coverage of key features and details of C++, with a special focus on how C++ compares to Java. The book's approach shows knowledgeable students or professionals how to grasp the complexities of C++ and harness its power by mutually addressing the benefits and the pitfalls of the two languages. By highlighting the features and comparative elements of each language, and building on the reader's existing knowledge of object-oriented programming, C++ for Java Programmers enables users to master the essentials of C++ quickly and thoroughly. Key Features Includes insightful comparisons of the two programming languages throughout the text and points out the subtleties of C++ Succinctly covers the pertinent highlights of STL (Standard Template Library
2019-12-21 19:29:21 8.94MB C++ Java
2019-12-21 19:28:44 160KB UART 协议 规范 spec
2019-12-21 19:28:42 17.78MB STL源码
离散时间信号处理奥本海姆第2版 奥本海姆编的离散时间信号处理应该是信号处理这一块最好的书了
2019-12-21 19:23:20 18.23MB 奥本海姆 DSP
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《Python学习笔记》。是一个名为:雨痕的前辈写的。虽然是未完成版,但是读起来很顺畅,于是周末两天,除了逛街就是在读这本书。不到200页的电子书,很快可以读完。 书分为三个部分:Python语言,Python标准库,Python扩展库。第一部分作者是已经完成了,从Python的运行原理,到每种数据类型的在内存中的状态,对应的C的实现。
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2019-12-21 18:56:29 4.55MB 深度学习 deep learning tensorflow
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2019-12-21 18:56:22 4.43MB 微软面试 100题