内含IEEE1344-1995(R2001)PDF文档 、 基于FPGA的IRIG_B解码电路设计与实现PDF文档、VERLOG解码代码实现 IEEE Standard for Synchrophasors for Power Systems 1. Overview 1.1 Scope This is a standard for synchronized phasor measurement systems in substations. It addresses synchronization of data sampling, data-to-phasor conversions, and formats for timing input and phasor data output from a Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU). It does not specify response time, accuracy, hardware, software, or a process for computing phasors. 1.2 Purpose This standard defines synchronized phasor measurements in substations so that the measurement equipment can be readily interfaced with associated systems. It specifies data formats and synchronization requirements to allow correlating phasors from various sources and comparing them with similar data from different measurement systems. 1.3 Need for this standard Recent developments in the field of power system data acquisition provide users with the ability to record, time-tag, transmit, and analyze power system phasor quantities in real time. Given the emphasis on future system development, many different hardware and software approaches are being implemented to make the phasor data available. A standard is needed for integrating measurement systems into substation environments, to specify data output formats, and to assure that the measurement processes are producing comparable results. The synchrophasor standard will help ensure maximum benefits from the phasor measurements and will allow interchange of data between a wide variety of users of both real time and off-line phasor measurements. 2. References This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications:
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crc16.vi是遵循crc16-modbus规则,使用0x8005(A001)作为多项式,初始值为0xFFFF,结果与0x0000异或的图形化编程算法; crc16node.vi是遵循crc16-modbus规则,使用0x8005(A001)作为多项式,初始值为0xFFFF,结果与0x0000异或的公式节点编程算法; crc16HJ212-2017.vi是遵循crc16-USB规则,使用0x8005(A001)作为多项式,初始值为0xFFFF,结果与0xFFFF异或的公式节点编程算法; 目前crc16同crc16node采用的是常见主流算法,但是污染气体在线数据传输国标HJ212-2017中给出的例子与crc16HJ212-2017采用算法的计算结果一致,所以项目中的crc校验算法均需与crc16HJ212-2017保持一致。 以上均使用直接计算法,优点是算法与原理完全一样,简单易懂,缺点是运算周期相较于完整校验表查表法和部分校验表查表法来说比较长,在要求高速通讯环节可能会影响传输速度。不过对于本项目应用场景(待校验数据长度、数据发送频率、服务器性能)来说这三种算法的时长都不足一个毫秒,所以目前仍采用直接计算方法,如后期需要可改为查表法。
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