2022-09-20 19:01:01 4KB edid_c++ ddc edid i2c_ddc
此编成是使用STM32 的DMA读取写入EEPROM内的资料
2022-09-20 11:01:34 5KB dma_read dma i2c sharehng
Read the BMP file with the VC code and display it
2022-09-20 11:01:12 128KB it 界面编程
2022-09-19 14:01:15 177KB delphi_ini delphi_outlook delphi_读取ini ini
The X-CUBE-SMBUS Expansion Package contains the SMBus/PMBus stack implementation for STM32Cube. The SMBus stack is built on STM32Cube HAL drivers to implement the transport layer. Middleware also includes the template for further expansion and personalization of PMBus support. The strict usage of STM32Cube ensures high portability across STM32 microcontrollers. X-CUBE-SMBUS is provided with example and basic functionality tests for the main board in the P-NUCLEO-WB55 pack, and for boards NUCLEO
2022-09-13 14:40:59 13.99MB SMBUS STM32
2022-07-06 19:02:42 323KB 文档资料
图书销售管理系统设计报告 - search read.pudn.com
2022-06-21 09:07:36 94KB 文档资料
能够读取VGA 128 BYTE DDC,HDMI 256 BYTE EDID,真正能够读取HDMI 256字节EDID工具,PC端读DDC工具
2022-06-16 16:20:29 290KB HDMI EDID VGA EDID READ
How to read a book efficiently. Part one The dimensions of reading Part two The third level of reading Part three Approaches to different kinds of reading Part four The ultimate goals of reading
2022-06-04 11:38:15 6.13MB communication
4.4 财务管理系统数据库分析 - search read.pudn.com
2022-06-02 16:04:05 61KB 文档资料 数据库 database