PCIe体系结构标准教材的中译本,详细介绍了PCIe的协议。mindshare公司编写,是一本很好的教材。(与《PCIe体系结构标准教材(下)——Mindshare INC》一起下载解压)
2021-08-03 13:37:00 57.22MB PCIe 体系结构
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WINDOWS.INC for 32 bit MASM (Version 1.4c RELEASE April 2008) This version is compatible with ML.EXE Version 8.0 Project WINDOWS.INC at the Masm Forum http://www.masm32.com/board/index.php WINDOWS.INC is copyright software licenced to the user by the MASM32 project. It is available completely free of any charges for any person to use for purposes including writing and selling commercial software but the file must not be included in any commercial package and the file may not be redistributed without express permission from the MASM32 project. This also includes publications that are for sale. WINDOWS.INC Copyright (c) The MASM32 Project 1998 - 2008 Short history. Original file 1998 hutch NT and later additions Iczelion Server 2003 additions January 2005 hutch@movsd.com
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PCIe体系结构标准教材的中译本,详细介绍了PCIe协议。Mindshare公司编写,是一本很好的用于PCIe开发的教材。(与《PCIe体系结构标准教材(上)——Mindshare INC》一起下载)
2021-04-28 12:50:54 42.85MB PCIe 体系结构