2024-02-24 18:58:33 4.62MB
资源详述: 第一:您必须安装vs2010版本,否则将打不开 第二:有相关c++知识 vc编程技巧 功能: 第一:能够获取网卡各种信息 第二:能够将网卡的多个IP一同获取
2024-02-06 21:16:12 9.04MB vs Adapter
2008年12月9日,网络安全解决方案供应商Hillstone(山石网科)公司宣布,中国500强企业之一——中金岭南有色金属股份有限公司在其各分支机构中成功部署多台Hillstone SA系列高性能安全网关,全面保障中金岭南总部及各分支机构信息传递的流畅和安全。Hillstone设备成功上线后,运行良好,中金岭南相关负责人表示,“Hillstone设备具有出色的稳定性和可靠性,而且功能强大,不管是我们的总部网络的高要求,还是分支机构要求的高性价比,都有产品能满足。并且产品的Web页面非常友好,其操作也人性化。”
2024-01-18 16:55:31 28KB
SymLink XR1020--工业物联网智能网关规格书zip,SymLink XR1020--工业物联网智能网关规格书
2024-01-13 21:15:47 3.03MB 综合资料
为更好的服务于网站各部门,提高内网的安全防护水平及带宽资源的合理利用,提高整个内网的资源使用效率,央视国际网络公司综合部对内网安全进行安全评估后决定选择Hillstone SA-2003安全网关对央视内网安全进行安全加固及改造;对网络应用流量进行识别、分类并有效控制。Hillstone SA-2003安全网关采用创新的64位多核处理器和高速交换总线技术,能够为央视国际提供高性能、多功能、高可靠性的新一代网络安全解决方案。
2024-01-13 13:41:55 858KB
2024-01-13 12:25:32 26KB
Media Gateway 用于监控车载以太网通信,以太网端口测试,CAN/LIN/Flexray与100Base-T1路由测试等;在BMW,AUDI,BOSCH以及国内多公司大量使用; MediaGateway from Technica Engineering is a development tool for testing and analyzing on-board vehicle networks. MediaGateway from Technica Engineering is the most widely used development and testing tool for on-board vehicle networks using 100BASE-T1. It’s in-built automotive switches and 12 x 100BASE-T1 ports enable both capture of traffic between devices while maintaining the normal communication, as well as interaction with such devices via your test set-up. It supports single and double tagging of VLANs, Mirroring, Forwarding and more. MediaGateway is excellently suitable for subsystem testing stations and can also be installed in a test vehicle without complications. It is configured conveniently via a browser through the integrated web server. An additional and optional CAN-Ethernet bi-directional conversion is available, as well as FlexRay logging via Ethernet and one SFP slot. The SFP slot supports commercial-grade SFP modules (e.g. optical or RJ-45) as well as our 100BASE-T1 SFP Module in order to get a 13th Automotive Ethernet Port or our 1000BASE-T1 SFP Module – this makes the MediaGateway ready for Automotive Gigabit Ethernet! 12 Broadcom 100BASE-T1 ports (100 MBit/s full duplex on a single unshielded twisted pair) 3 Gigabit Ethernet ports 1 SFP Gigabit Ethernet port Automotive Tyco MQS connectors for 100BASE-T1 and power supply Web server for easy configuration: Master/Slave, HalfOut/FullOut, Port Forwarding, Port Mirroring, VLAN Tagging WakeUp function by CAN Bus or Wakeline Power output for attached devices: VBAT max. 1 Ampere in total 19 status LEDs Possibility to reset to default settings by pushbutton Robust steel case Power requirement: 8 to 16 V DC, power consumption: 8 Watt Size: 195 x 143 x 33 mm 802.1AS Bridge function
2023-12-26 20:47:44 608KB GPON,OLT
田纳西州Blue Cross Blue Shield的数据中心通过IBM SAN 数据网关解决方案,在串行存储循环中为主机提供一个访问存储的独立路径,提高了性能和故障弹性,最大限度地增加业务。
2023-12-14 13:28:28 80KB