This book consists of six chapters, which can be grouped into three subjects. The first subject is Machine Learning and takes place in Chapter 1. Deep Learning stems from Machine Learning. This implies that if you want to understand the essence of Deep Learning, you have to know the philosophy behind Machine Learning to some extent. Chapter 1 starts with the relationship between Machine Learning and Deep Learning, followed by problem solving strategies and fundamental limitations of Machine Learning. The detailed techniques are not introduced yet. Instead, fundamental concepts that applies to both the neural network and Deep Learning will be covered. The second subject is artificial neural network. Chapters 2-4 focuses on this subject. As Deep Learning is a type of Machine Learning that employs a neural network, the neural network is inseparable from Deep Learning. Chapter 2 starts with the fundamentals of the neural network: principles of its operation, architecture, and learning rules. It also provides the reason that the simple single-layer architecture evolved to the complex multi-layer architecture. Chapter 3 presents the backpropagation algorithm, which is an important and representative learning rule of the neural network and also employed in Deep Learning. This chapter explains how cost functions and learning rules are related and which cost functions are widely employed in Deep Learning. Chapter 4 introduces how to apply the neural network to classification problems. We have allocated a separate section for classification because it is currently the most prevailing application of Machine Learning. For example, image recognition, one of the primary applications of Deep Learning, is a classification problem. The third topic is Deep Learning. It is the main topic of this book as well. Deep Learning is covered in Chapters 5 and 6. Chapter 5 introduces the drivers that enables Deep Learning to yield excellent performance. For a better understanding, it starts wi
2021-11-18 15:48:21 1.74MB Deep Learning 深度学习 笔记
本文档是针对吴恩达老师深度学习课程(视频做的笔记,专为已有一定基础(基本的编程知识,熟悉 Python、对机器学习有基本了解), 想要尝试进入人工智能领域的计算机专业人士准备
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2021-11-18 15:10:44 20.58MB deeplearning
2021-11-14 14:06:03 144.68MB 深度学习 神经网络 吴恩达 笔记
包含神经网络训练流程、基本元素激活函数(relu,softmax,sigmoid,tanh),损失函数(交叉熵(sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits、softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits、sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits、weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits),均方差),优化器(梯度下降(Gradient Descent)、动量优化法(加速下降)))等详细介绍
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2021-10-11 11:46:47 21.89MB 吴恩达 深度学习
MLDL 研究生预备知识学习笔记,包含李宏毅深度学习与数字图像处理。 深度学习笔记在基础上添加自己的理解,纯自用。 MLDnotes 深度学习笔记 papernotes 论文笔记与相关知识 plans 每日计划
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