英文原版,数字版,非影印版,无水印,有目录,第三版。 How can you bring out MySQL’s full power? With High Performance MySQL, you’ll learn advanced techniques for everything from designing schemas, indexes, and queries to tuning your MySQL server, operating system, and hardware to their fullest potential. This guide also teaches you safe and practical ways to scale applications through replication, load balancing, high availability, and failover. Updated to reflect recent advances in MySQL and InnoDB performance, features, and tools, this third edition not only offers specific examples of how MySQL works, it also teaches you why this system works as it does, with illustrative stories and case studies that demonstrate MySQL’s principles in action. With this book, you’ll learn how to think in MySQL. Learn the effects of new features in MySQL 5.5, including stored procedures, partitioned databases, triggers, and views Implement improvements in replication, high availability, and clustering Achieve high performance when running MySQL in the cloud Optimize advanced querying features, such as full-text searches Take advantage of modern multi-core CPUs and solid-state disks Explore backup and recovery strategies—including new tools for hot online backups
2019-12-21 18:57:57 15.87MB High Performance MySQL 3rd
用于Virtualbox安装mac的系统(截止20190111 可以安装xcode)macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 by Techsviewer 参考安装地址 https://techsviewer.com/install-macos-high-sierra-virtualbox-windows/
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Contents at a Glance Introduction Part I Understanding High Availability 1 Understanding High Availability 2 Microsoft High Availability Options Part II Choosing the Right High Availability Approaches 3 Choosing High Availability Part III Implementing High Availability 4 Failover Clustering 5 SQL Server Clustering 6 SQL Server AlwaysOn and Availability Groups 7 SQL Server Database Snapshots 8 SQL Server Data Replication 9 SQL Server Log Shipping 10 High Availability Options in the Cloud 11 High Availability and Big Data Options 12 Hardware and OS Options for High Availability 13 Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity 14 Bringing HA Together 15 Upgrading Your Current Deployment to HA 16 High Availability and Security 17 Future Direction of High Availability Index
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Matlab高阶统计量工具箱(高阶谱)High order statistics(High order spectral) toolbox This section of the User’s Guide describes how to begin using the Higher-Order Spectral Analysis Toolbox for your signal processing applications. It assumes familiarity with basic MATLAB ®, as well as a basic understanding of signals and systems.
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