【人工智能】2019最新python数据分析+深度机器学习项目实战 的数据集
2020-01-05 00:20:15 120KB world alcohol python 机器学习
cmake3.13和VS2017 社区版编译 release版 包含x86,x64 , 单一文件 opencv_world400 无扩展模块
2020-01-03 11:34:56 51.89MB opencv4 vs2017 opencv_world
OpenCV 3.3.0,基于32位x86下的minGW编译,可以用于Qt编程。
2020-01-03 11:33:51 22.9MB OpenCV Qt
Given a cave with a number of rooms, represented as a 4x4 square. There is a wumpus, a pit, a pile of gold in the world. The squares containing the wumpus, pit and gold are initialized randomly when the program is started. For example, if the wumpus, the pit, the gold is at (2, 3), (2, 2), and (3, 3), respectively, then the world looks like: You are a warrior and required to kill the wumpus and leave the world with gold. Rules in the Wumpus World are: 1. The neighborhood of a square consists of the four squares: north, south, east, west. 2. You can do the following actions (one at a time): Go Left, Right, Up, and Down, Shoot (killing the wumpus), Grab (getting the gold). 3. You can shoot the wumpus in the neighborhood of wumpus square and grab the gold in gold square. 4. You cannot enter the square containing the pit or the live wumpus, or else you will die. 5. Each square is surrounded by walls with a door. So you cannot see what is in the square before you enter it. But you can smell the stern in the neighborhood of wumpus square and feel the breeze in the neighborhood of pit square. The examples of stern and breeze can be seen in the figure above. 6. You start the adventure at the square (1,1) and leave the world at (4,4).
2020-01-03 11:33:38 3.86MB 人工智能 wumpus world
hello world java编程
2019-12-25 16:56:50 127B hw java
World Wind Java三维地理信息系统开发技术指南(压缩) .pdf
2019-12-25 11:13:16 24.78MB World Wind Java pdf
stm32 串口 打印程序。C语言编写。 打印机。
2019-12-21 22:14:33 220KB stm32
使用Lua语言开发魔兽世界插件 清晰非扫描版。 国内现在有中文版销售,大家可以对比阅读。 ps:搬运的,不好意思要分。
2019-12-21 22:09:28 3.09MB lua WoW add-on 程序设计
深入浅出hello world。从一个简单的hello,world程序开始,经过预处理、编译、汇编、链接、加载各个步骤详细介绍程序从编辑到执行的过程。深入的讲解了linux下程序的编译过程,并且讲解了linux kernel系统调用的相关知识。
2019-12-21 22:07:26 4.72MB linux kernel 汇编 底层
程序地形生成器 ,不同于你用过的任何一款地形生成软件。 World Machine 混合了强大的地形效果,拥有图形界面 ,并能快速动态预览,帮助快速准确地创造出各种真实地貌。
2019-12-21 22:07:15 16.09MB World Machine PRO 地形