2023-03-03 21:35:53 1.05MB 互联网
2023-03-03 21:29:15 1.03MB 互联网
这个 Matlab 代码展示了 5 种不同的边缘检测算法在正常和噪声图像上的应用。 使用的算法有:CANNY、PREWITT、ZERO CROSS、ROBERTS ans BOUDA。 使用的噪声是:高斯、泊松、盐和纸和斑点。 该文件文件夹包含6个文件: lena.pgm:图像文件 without_noise.m :边缘检测器与正常图像的应用 With_Gaussian_noise.m :边缘检测器与噪声(高斯)图像的应用 With_poisson_noise.m :带有噪声(泊松)图像的边缘检测器的应用 With_Salt_paper_noise.m :带有噪声(Salt & Paper)图像的边缘检测器的应用 With_speckle_noise.m :带有噪声(散斑)图像的边缘检测器的应用 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/34
2023-03-03 16:36:33 223KB matlab
2023-03-03 10:16:35 31.43MB ACM算法竞赛
c++系列资料——《The Practice of Programming(中文版)》本收从排错、测试、性能、可移植性、设计、界面、风格和记法等方面,讨论了程序设计中实际的问题
2023-03-03 00:34:35 8.64MB 中文版 经典书籍
AlanChencc 提供 2022Java经典面试题总结(附问题和答案),面试速成,基础知识覆盖,初级程序员必备面试宝典,求职面试,经典问题,回答技巧,现成答案
2023-03-02 21:40:29 125KB 面试 java 文档资料 职场和发展
2023-03-02 13:16:06 73.61MB C# 明日科技 清华大学出版 C#学习路线图
2023-03-01 22:52:09 1.22MB Delphi 基础教程 编程技巧 入门手册
Digital Communication Receivers Synchronization, Channel Estimation, and Signal Processing Digital Communication Receivers offers a complete treatment on the theoretical and practical aspects of synchronization and channel estimation from the standpoint of digital signal processing. The focus on these increasingly important topics, the systematic approach to algorithm development, and the linked algorithm-architecture methodology in digital receiver design are unique features of this book. The material is structured according to different classes of transmission channels. In Part C, baseband transmission over wire or optical fiber is addressed. Part D covers passband transmission over satellite or terrestrial wireless channels. Part E deals with transmission over fading channels. Designed for the practicing communication engineer and the graduate student, the book places considerable emphasis on helpful examples, summaries, illustrations, and bibliographies. Contents include:, * Basic material, * Baseband communications, * Passband transmission, * Receiver structure for PAM signals, * Synthesis of synchronization algorithms, * Performance analysis of synchronizers, * Bit error degradation caused by random tracking errors, * Frequency estimation, * Timing adjustment by interpolation, * DSP system implementation, * Characterization, modeling, and simulation of linear fading channels, * Detection and parameter synchronization on fading channels, * Receiver structures for fading channels, * Parameter synchronization for flat fading channels, * Parameter synchronization for selective fading channels
2023-03-01 16:38:00 54.52MB 经典