是一个管理IE加载项的工具。之前用js调用MSCOMM32.ocx控件(win8,IE10),各方面都准备好了,可是组件就是用不了,IE的管理加载项里也找不到这个组件,后来在一个国外的网站上看到这个用具,用这个工具启动(enabled)MSCOMM32.ocx后就可以了,不太清除是什么原因,但是起了很大的作用。 This utility allows you to easily disable/enable ActiveX components on Internet Explorer browser. It disables the desired ActiveX component by setting the "kill bit" of the desired CLSID under the following Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility For more information about this Registry key, read this Microsoft article
2021-12-03 17:35:40 41KB activex控件 ocx控件 win8
AP Manager II is a convenient software tool used to manage the configuration of your wireless network from a central computer. With AP Manager II there is no need to configure devices individually.
2021-12-03 05:16:39 2.78MB Dlink AP APMII 2.3
ImageJ / Fiji Roi一键式工具 提供附加工具栏ROI工具以及预定义的自定义ROI形状的工具集。 使用1-Click ROI,单击图像可生成以单击点为中心的预定义ROI。 如果选择了该选项,则将生成的ROI添加到Roi管理器,为所选区域运行命令run Measure ,如果使用了堆栈,则显示下一个图像。 在最新版本中,保持按下鼠标左键可以预览roi并在其中移动。 点击释放后,广告即会被“验证”。 安装 在斐济,只需激活ROI一键式工具更新站点。 了解如何。 在ImageJ中,将文件“ Roi 1-Click Tools.ijm”复制到文件夹ImageJ \ macros \ toolsets中。 要显示工具栏,请单击ImageJ工具栏右侧的>> ,然后选择ROI一键式工具条目。 注意:为获得最佳功能,宏工具集要求ImageJ> = 1.52r。 配置 双击任何ROI一
2021-12-02 16:38:17 2.23MB image-annotation imagej fiji roi
redis desktop manager 2021.9.0.0 win64 exe版本
2021-12-02 15:05:40 34.21MB redis desktop manager rdm
2021-12-01 09:01:15 115KB linux
Redis Desktop Manager,简称rdm,是一款可以跨平台的redis可视化工具 最新的2021年8.0.0最新版本
2021-11-30 19:01:58 33.82MB Redis RedisDesktop rdm
密码守护者 完全使用Python制作的简单且安全的密码管理系统。 安装 安装文件 运行文件“ installation / install.py”以安装程序文件。 运行程序 在与install.py相同的目录中查找文件夹“ Password Keeper”,然后在其中运行文件“ main.py” 。 所需模块 此Python项目使用以下依赖项: Tkinter模块(适用于Python3.6的Tkinter3) 特征 整个程序都使用一个全局密码进行了身份验证-因此,您不必记住帐户的单个密码,只需记住一个-其余的工作将由我们来处理。 增强的安全性-您执行的每项操作(例如删除帐户)都将需要您的全局密码,以便在运行过程中没有人会滥用您的数据。 每个条目都有一个选项,可以输入“帐户名”,“用户名”和“密码”。 双重加密-数据文件和密码以独特的算法进行了两次加密,使您的数据更加安全。 解锁/
virt-manager linux虚拟机管理图型界面
2021-11-28 22:32:26 2.43MB virt-manager
戴尔U2720Q/U2720QM Mac版DDM(Dell Display Manager)驱动 1、内部包含U2720Q的固件更新包(版本M2T105)和Dell Display Manager两个macOS软件 2、首先升级固件包(速度较慢,需要20分钟左右) 3、固件包更新完毕安装Dell Display Manager
2021-11-28 19:00:41 18.76MB 戴尔 U2720Q U2720QM DDM
System Center Configuration Manager Current Branch Unleashed By 作者: Kerrie Meyler – Gerry Hampson – Saud Al-Mishari – Greg Ramsey – Kenneth van Surksum – Michael Wiles ISBN-10 书号: 0672337908 ISBN-13 书号: 9780672337901 PEARSON版本: 1 出版日期: 2018-05-07 pages 页数: 1799 System Center Configuration Manager Current Branch provides a total systems management solution for a people-centric world. It can deploy applications to individuals using virtually any device or platform, centralizing and automating management across on-premise, service provider, and Microsoft Azure environments. In System Center Configuration Manager Current Branch Unleashed, a team of world-renowned System Center experts shows you how to make the most of this powerful toolset. The authors begin by introducing modern systems management and offering practical strategies for coherently managing today’s IT infrastructures. Drawing on their immense consulting experience, they offer expert guidance for ConfigMgr planning, architecture, and implementation. You’ll walk through efficiently performing a wide spectrum of ConfigMgr operations, from managing clients, updates, and compliance to reporting. Finally, you’ll find current best practices for administering ConfigMgr, from security to backups. Detailed information on how to: Successfully manage distributed, people-centric, cloud-focused IT environments Optimize ConfigMgr architecture, design, and deployment plans to reflect your environment Smoothly install ConfigMgr Current Branch and migrate from Configuration Manager 2012 Save time and improve efficiency by automating system management Use the console to centralize control over infrastructure, software, users, and devices Discover and manage clients running Windows, macOS, Linux, and UNIX Define, monitor, enforce, remediate, and report on all aspects of configuration compliance Deliver the right software to the right people with ConfigMgr applications and deployment types Reliably manage patches and updates
2021-11-28 10:26:14 35.93MB Design