2021-07-20 15:51:32 62KB 帝国CMS
IDA 调试工具 android_serve 在位于{IDA_dir}/dbgsrv目录
2021-07-19 20:00:17 409.79MB 安全 安卓逆向 调试
赛门铁克Symantec 最新版本14.3.4615.2000卸载工具,下载后解压双击运行即可。重启后生效
2021-07-18 22:00:10 4.16MB Symantec CleanWipe 赛文铁克
2021-07-18 15:15:21 4.25MB 卸载 CleanWipe 无需密码卸载 Symantec
cad插件 用于小区规划建筑日照分析、验证分析
2021-07-17 16:00:24 13.32MB cad插件 小区规划 日照分析
学习软件_早教启蒙_幼儿识字学诗学英语三步成龙 7.5免费下载.zip
TIA V13V-15.1,WINCC V7.3-V7.5免狗和谐补丁TIA V13V-15.1,WINCC V7.3-V7.5免狗和谐补丁
2021-07-14 16:27:29 1.07MB WINCC
2021-07-14 15:23:59 67.93MB 软件
********* RemoveSymantecMacFiles.command 8.0.0 ********* WARNING: This script will remove all files and folders created by Symantec Mac OS X products any files within those folders. Therefore, you will lose ALL files that reside in those folders, including any that you have created. Usage: RemoveSymantecMacFiles.command [-CcdeFfghIikLlmpQqRrV] [-QQ] [-re] [volume ...] Summary: If no option or volume is specified, then all Symantec files are removed from the current boot volume, including the invisible Symantec files (i.e., AntiVirus QuickScan and Norton FS files), and Symantec crontab entries are removed from all users' crontabs; otherwise, for each volume specified, all Symantec files and Symantec crontab entries will be removed from that volume if no options are specified. If files are removed from the current boot volume, receipt predelete scripts are run unless -d is passsed and Symantec processes are killed unless -k is passed. If a volume does not have OS X installed on it, then only the invisible Symantec files are removed from that volume. Each volume name may begin with "/Volumes/", unless it is "/". The easiest way to specify a volume is to drag the volume onto the Terminal window. Note: The Terminal application does not support high ASCII or double-byte character entry via keyboard or via drag-and-drop. If you want to have files removed from a volume that is not the current boot volume and that has a name containing high ASCII or double-byte characters, use the -A option. Options: -A Remove all Symantec files from all mounted volumes. Crontab entries are also removed from the current boot volume, but not from other volumes. If a volume does not have OS X installed on it, then only the invisible Symantec
2021-07-14 12:17:07 217KB SYMANTEC MAC REMOVE SEP
一个Nbu文件查看器 如果你有用Nokia套件备份过 而且刚好不好彩备份文件太大导致导入错误的话 可以用这个打开查看 或者你需要把数据导入其他品牌手机的话 可以把里面的数据拿出来 改成其他通用格式导入
2021-07-14 01:32:29 99KB Nbu查看器 Nokia备份文件查看