Welcome to the fourth edition ofObject-Oriented Data Structures Using Java™. This book pres- entsthealgorithmic,programming,andstructuringtechniquesofatraditionaldatastructures course in an object-oriented context. You’ll find the familiar topics of linked lists, recursion, stacks,queues,collections,indexedlists,trees,maps,priorityqueues,graphs,sorting,searching, andcomplexityanalysis,allcoveredfromanobject-orientedpointofviewusingJava.Westress softwareengineeringprinciplesthroughout,includingmodularization,informationhiding,data abstraction,stepwiserefinement,theuseofvisualaids,theanalysisofalgorithms,andsoftware verificationmethods.
2021-08-26 15:08:03 21.43MB Java OO
采用java技术构建的一个管理系统。整个开发过程首先对系统进行需求分析,得出系统的主要功能。接着对系统进行总体设计和详细设计。总体设计主要包括系统功能设计、系统总体结构设计、系统数据结构设计和系统安全设计等;详细设计主要包括系统数据库访问的实现,主要功能模块的具体实现,模块实现关键代码等。最后对系统进行功能测试,并对测试结果进行分析总结。 包括程序毕设程序源代码一份,数据库一份,完美运行。内附配置环境里面有说明。
2021-08-20 14:10:10 18.66MB 基于JavaWeb生鲜OO订购平
采用java技术构建的一个管理系统。整个开发过程首先对系统进行需求分析,得出系统的主要功能。接着对系统进行总体设计和详细设计。总体设计主要包括系统功能设计、系统总体结构设计、系统数据结构设计和系统安全设计等;详细设计主要包括系统数据库访问的实现,主要功能模块的具体实现,模块实现关键代码等。最后对系统进行功能测试,并对测试结果进行分析总结。 包括程序毕设程序源代码一份,数据库一份,完美运行。内附配置环境里面有说明。
2021-08-20 14:10:08 17.87MB 基于OO模式的短租平台计算机毕业
Object Design: Roles, Responsibilities, and Collaborations By Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Alan McKean Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : November 08, 2002 ISBN : 0-201-37943-0 Pages : 416 Noted object technologists Rebecca Wirfs-Brock and Alan McKean present a modern, thoughtful treatment on the design of object software.Introduces Responsibility-Driven Design, the expert authors' proven method to building better software.Practical strategies for increasing software's reliability and flexibility.Helps reader discriminate important design choices from mundane ones, and to acquire a fundamental set of techniques that can be intelligently practicedAfter more than ten years, object technology pioneer Rebecca Wirfs-Brock teams with expert Alan McKean to present a thoroughly updated, modern, and proven method for the design of software. The book is packed with practical design techniques that enable the practitioner to get the job done. Like many human endeavors, design is part art, part engineering, part guesswork, and part experimentation. Discipline, hard work, inspiration, and sound technique all play their part as well. For any given problem, there are many reasonable, but only a few very good solutions. The authors' goal is to help readers learn to make those very good design decisions on their own. The book explores challenges that software developers will face as they build their design, and shows how design patterns can be used to solve design problems. Long awaited and eagerly anticipated, this book represents the first great software design book of the century. A FUTURE CLASSIC!Rebecca Wirfs-Brock is the founder of Wirfs-Brock Associates where she consults with clients on development practices and methods. Formerly, she was Chief Methodologist and Director of the Object Development Center of Excellence at Parc-Place Digitalk. She was the lead author of Designing Object-Oreinted
2021-08-13 16:09:46 3.79MB OO
易语言GO OO 声音 模块,很方面用的时候 直接输入 go() OO() 就可以使用!
2021-08-12 20:56:07 40KB 易语言 GO OO 模块
KingAirC90-Landing-CheckList BeechCraft KingAir C90 的 PHP OO 着陆清单
2021-07-10 16:03:32 40KB PHP
C# OO部分笔试题(含答案).doc
2021-07-02 20:02:17 75KB c#
采用java技术构建的一个管理系统。整个开发过程首先对系统进行需求分析,得出系统的主要功能。接着对系统进行总体设计和详细设计。总体设计主要包括系统功能设计、系统总体结构设计、系统数据结构设计和系统安全设计等;详细设计主要包括系统数据库访问的实现,主要功能模块的具体实现,模块实现关键代码等。最后对系统进行功能测试,并对测试结果进行分析总结。 包括程序毕设程序源代码一份,数据库一份,完美运行。配置环境里面有说明。
2021-06-27 19:03:11 13.5MB springboot基于Java
采用java技术构建的一个管理系统。整个开发过程首先对系统进行需求分析,得出系统的主要功能。接着对系统进行总体设计和详细设计。总体设计主要包括系统功能设计、系统总体结构设计、系统数据结构设计和系统安全设计等;详细设计主要包括系统数据库访问的实现,主要功能模块的具体实现,模块实现关键代码等。最后对系统进行功能测试,并对测试结果进行分析总结。 包括程序毕设程序源代码一份,数据库一份,完美运行。配置环境里面有说明。
2021-06-27 19:03:09 12.71MB springboot基于OO模式