VFP 9.0程序设计数据库。很实用的。
2021-10-29 13:27:16 39.61MB VFP
2021-10-05 17:02:36 333KB VfpExeNC
Visual FoxPro 9.0汉化补丁(VFP9.0汉化补丁)
2021-09-28 01:20:42 990KB VFP9汉化补丁 Visual FoxPro9 汉化补丁
visual foxpro 9.0 sp2 安装光盘 因上传文件尺寸限制,只能分卷压缩,这是 2/4 卷
2021-09-27 13:49:35 78MB vfp9
2021-09-24 20:17:05 40.25MB 安装
ReFox XI+ for VFP9 and all older versions ComPro (CZ) Jan Brebera info@refox.net jan.brebera@email.cz Seven steps to install ReFox XI+ 1. download ReFox XI+ files • ReFox_INST - download and save the .zip archive to your local disk - do not unpack it directly from the browser 2. create new folder for ReFox (e.g. "C:\ReFox XI+") and unpack the archive. Attention: Some zip-extractors (incl. the WinXP internal one) do not set the time of created file correctly and running ReFox.exe fails with error message: xxxxxxxx – Program violation In this case please use another extractor e.g. WinZip, pkunzip or Total Commander internal unzip 3. run ReFox.setup.exe to install ReFox 4. fill out your details in the form fill out the field 'Serial Number' do not change the fields 'Activation Key', modify the fields 'User name' and 'Company' if necessary after clicking 'OK' ReFox prepares data for generating the full activation key: created data sample: see ReFox.~~~ and ReFox~~~.zip files in your ReFox folder 5. send the data for generating activation key please create and send the e-mail message now (this version can send the data automatically) copy the text of ReFox.~~~ to the e-mail message body and the file ReFox~~~.zip send as an attachement 6. wait for sending the activation key back this can take several hours depending on daytime 7. copy the new activation key to ReFox folder and run ReFox.exe again Copyright © 1992-2007 by Jan Brebera, ComPro (CZ) ReFox is a property of its author - Jan Brebera Jan Brebera is holder of all rights regarding ReFox
2021-08-28 22:45:23 2.65MB rdfox-xi
亲爱的小伙伴: 1.此Visual FoxPro 9.0 (SP2)简体中文安装版是在原英文版基础上经过汉化重新打包制作而成,已集成SP2补丁,安装时不需输入序列号,不需再汉化,一次性安装成功后即为简体中文版。 2.此版本保留了Visual FoxPro 99%的常用功能,只精简了庞大并不常用的.NET环境下的InstallShield 合并模块(打包工具)、多国语言支持组件。 3.此版本使用的汉化程序,不仅主程序、工具、向导已汉化,就连帮助文件也已经全部汉化,并且更正了原版的一些Bug,堪称是最好的简体中文版。 4.此版本增加了实用的VFP工具,添加了对Visual FoxPro数据库、表、表单、报表、项目等文件的关联(双击自动打开),方便使用。 5.安装程序用Inno Setup打包制作,压缩比高,安装程序体积大大缩小(仅28M)。
2021-08-03 13:34:48 28.01MB vfp9 中文破解 安全无毒
软件介绍: 压缩包内附不同版本的VFP运行库DLL文件,包含VFP6、VFP7、VFP8、VFP9、VFP9sp2运行库合集,从事vfp开发必备的文件,不安装VFP也能运行VFP程序,,不用再为VFP编写的EXE文件没有相关环境烦恼。
2021-05-12 12:08:13 17.11MB 其他资源
VFP 9.0正式版
2021-03-16 16:00:19 211.83MB VFP9.0
2019-12-21 19:56:49 17.11MB VFP 运行库 合集