2021-06-23 21:12:56 108KB 反汇编
strings.com 是强大的纯DOS环境 下的文本处理工具 STRINGS常用方法: 1、把文本文件 LIST.TXT 包含的行数赋值给变量 LN STRINGS LN=LINESIZE LIST.TXT 2、把文本文件 LIST.TXT 的大小传递给变量FS STRINGS FS=FILESIZE LIST.TXT 3、读取文本文件 LIST.TXT 的第5行内容并赋值给变31333137量 LN STRINGS LN=READ LIST.TXT,5 4、把变量 N 在原有基础上+1 和 -1 STRINGS N=ADD %N%,1 STRINGS N=SUB %N%,1 5、把字符串 ABCDEFG 中第四个字符以及后面共3个字符传递给变量 LX (DEF) STRINGS LX=MID ABCDEFG,4,3 6、查找字符串 ABCDEFG 中D所在的位置并赋值给变量DX,如果没找到DX=0 STRINGS DX=FIND ABCDEFG,D 7、找出字符串 ABCD EFG HIJ KLMN 中第二个单词并赋值给变量L2 STRINGS L2=PARSE ABCD EFG HIJ KLMN ,2 应用举例:逐一显示文件 LIST.TXT 各行内容 @ECHO OFF REM 读取LIST.TXT大小如果是0就转入 ERROR段 STRINGS FS=FILESIZE LIST.TXT IF %FS%*==0* GOTO ERROR REM 读取 LIST.TXT 行数 并用N作计数器以循环方式显示 LIST.TXT各行内容。 STRINGS L=LINESIZE LIST.TXT STRINGS L=ADD %L%,1 SET N=0 :LOOP STRINGS N=ADD %N%,1 STRINGS LX=READ LIST.TXT,%N% ECHO %LX% IF %N%*==%L%* GOTO END GOTO LOOP :ERROR ECHO LIST.TXT IS NULL :END SET FS= SET L= SET N= SET LX= --------------------------------------------- NSET 的常用方法: 1、把某一命令的执行结果传递给变量。 A.把 DIR 命令执行结果第7行中的第2个单词传递给变量 DIRX DIR /A /S |NSET /L7 DIRX=$2 B.把当前路径传递给变量 CDX CD |NSET CDX=$0 2、获取 LIST.TXT 文件第5行第2个单词的内容并赋值给变量 L52 NSET /L5 L52=$2 STRINGS FS=FILESIZE LIST.TXT IF %FS%*==0* GOTO ERROR REM 读取 LIST.TXT 行数 并用N作计数器以循环方式显示 LIST.TXT中第二个单词是 REM SYSTEM 的行的内容,每找到一个符合条件的行,就把变量M在原有基础上+1。 STRINGS L=LINESIZE LIST.TXT STRINGS L=ADD %L%,1 SET N=0 SET M=0 :LOOP STRINGS N=ADD %N%,1 STRINGS LX=READ LIST.TXT,%N% REM STRINGS LX2=PARSE %LX%,2 NSET /L%N% LX2=$2 diskn.txt REM 如果存在DISKN2.TXT 就删除之 if exist diskn2.txt del diskn2.txt >nul REM 获取DISKN.TXT文件行数并用N做计数器逐行判断,并把需要的信息传递给DISKN2.TXT REM 如果该行前两个字符是 NO 说明没有硬盘,就退出脚本 RE
2021-06-18 12:02:59 14KB 纯DOS 文本处理
2021-06-18 08:54:28 6.5MB 柔性字符串匹配
2021-04-24 11:44:28 3.91MB Algorithms 生物信息
Not all languages, e.g. Chinese, have delimiters for words. To extract words from a sentence in these languages, we usually rely on a dictionary for known words. For unknown words, some approaches rely on a domain specific dictionary or a tailor-made learning data set. However, this information may not be available. Another direction is to use unsupervised methods. These methods rely on a goodness measure to evaluate how likely the words are meaningful based on a statistical argument on the give
2021-02-20 20:10:20 512KB 研究论文
String algorithms are a traditional area of study in computer science. In recent years their importance has grown dramatically with the huge increase of electronically stored text and of molecular sequence data (DNA or protein sequences) produced by various genome projects. This 1997 book is a general text on computer algorithms for string processing. In addition to pure computer science, the book contains extensive discussions on biological problems that are cast as string problems, and on methods developed to solve them. It emphasises the fundamental ideas and techniques central to today's applications. New approaches to this complex material simplify methods that up to now have been for the specialist alone. With over 400 exercises to reinforce the material and develop additional topics, the book is suitable as a text for graduate or advanced undergraduate students in computer science, computational biology, or bio-informatics. Its discussion of current algorithms and techniques also makes it a reference for professionals.
2020-02-04 03:04:18 8.73MB Algori Algori
非影印版,可以不用OCR 直接复制文字,之前在CSDN上找到影印版居然要12个资源分,嗯,我决定把分数挣回来
2020-01-30 03:10:52 4.61MB 字符串算法
2019-12-21 20:56:12 152KB 恶意代码  分析工具  
Dan Gusfield的字符串处理的经典书籍Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences,完整版,550页。pdf版本
2019-12-21 19:41:12 4.07MB Algorithms