greenplum-db-6.2.1-rhel7-x86_64.rpm Pivotal Greenplum 6.2 Release Notes This document contains pertinent release information about Pivotal Greenplum Database 6.2 releases. For previous versions of the release notes for Greenplum Database, go to Pivotal Greenplum Database Documentation. For information about Greenplum Database end of life, see Pivotal Greenplum Database end of life policy. Pivotal Greenplum 6 software is available for download from the Pivotal Greenplum page on Pivotal Network. Pivotal Greenplum 6 is based on the open source Greenplum Database project code. Important: Pivotal Support does not provide support for open source versions of Greenplum Database. Only Pivotal Greenplum Database is supported by Pivotal Support. Release 6.2.1 Release Date: 2019-12-12 Pivotal Greenplum 6.2.1 is a minor release that includes new features and resolves several issues. New Features Greenplum Database 6.2.1 includes these new features: Greenplum Database supports materialized views. Materialized views are similar to views. A materialized view enables you to save a frequently used or complex query, then access the query results in a SELECT statement as if they were a table. Materialized views persist the query results in a table-like form. Materialized view data cannot be directly updated. To refresh the materialized view data, use the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command. See Creating and Managing Materialized Views. Note: Known Issues and Limitations describes a limitation of materialized view support in Greenplum 6.2.1. The gpinitsystem utility supports the --ignore-warnings option. The option controls the value returned by gpinitsystem when warnings or an error occurs. If you specify this option, gpinitsystem returns 0 if warnings occurred during system initialization, and returns a non-zero value if a fatal error occurs. If this option is not specified, gpinitsystem returns 1 if initialization completes with warnings, and returns value of 2 or greater if a fatal error occurs. PXF version 5.10.0 is included, which introduces several new and changed features and bug fixes. See PXF Version 5.10.0 below. PXF Version 5.10.0 PXF 5.10.0 includes the following new and changed features: PXF has improved its performance when reading a large number of files from HDFS or an object store. PXF bundles newer tomcat and jackson libraries. The PXF JDBC Connector now supports pushdown of OR and NOT logical filter operators when specified in a JDBC named query or in an external table query filter condition. PXF supports writing Avro-format data to Hadoop and object stores. Refer to Reading and Writing HDFS Avro Data for more information about this feature. PXF is now certified with Hadoop 2.x and 3.1.x and Hive Server 2.x and 3.1, and bundles new and upgraded Hadoop libraries to support these versions. PXF supports Kerberos authentication to Hive Server 2.x and 3.1.x. PXF supports per-server user impersonation configuration. PXF supports concurrent access to multiple Kerberized Hadoop clusters. In previous releases of Greenplum Database, PXF supported accessing a single Hadoop cluster secured with Kerberos, and this Hadoop cluster must have been configured as the default PXF server. PXF introduces a new template file, pxf-site.xml, to specify the Kerberos and impersonation property settings for a Hadoop or JDBC server configuration. Refer to About Kerberos and User Impersonation Configuration (pxf-site.xml) for more information about this file. PXF now supports connecting to Hadoop with a configurable Hadoop user identity. PXF previously supported only proxy access to Hadoop via the gpadmin Greenplum user. PXF version 5.10.0 deprecates the following configuration properties. Note: These property settings continue to work. The PXF_USER_IMPERSONATION, PXF_PRINCIPAL, and PXF_KEYTAB settings in the file. You can use the pxf-site.xml file to configure Kerberos and impersonation settings for your new Hadoop server configurations. The pxf.impersonation.jdbc property setting in the jdbc-site.xml file. You can use the pxf.service.user.impersonation property to configure user impersonation for a new JDBC server configuration. Note: If you have previously configured a PXF JDBC server to access Kerberos-secured Hive, you must upgrade the server definition. See Upgrading PXF in Greenplum 6.x for more information. Changed Features Greenplum Database 6.2.1 includes these changed features: Greenplum Stream Server version 1.3.1 is included in the Greenplum distribution. Resolved Issues Pivotal Greenplum 6.2.1 is a minor release that resolves these issues: 29454 - gpstart During Greenplum Database start up, the gpstart utility did not report when a segment instance failed to start. The utility always displayed 0 skipped segment starts. This issue has been resolved. gpstart output was also enhanced to provide additional warnings and summary information about the number of skipped segments. For example: [WARNING]:-********
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