该jar包是属于大数据hadoop使用的些jar包,可以在编写代码的时候导入工程中 该jar包是属于大数据hadoop使用的些jar包,可以在编写代码的时候导入工程中
2024-04-08 13:27:09 26.84MB hadoop
2024-04-03 15:36:30 10.14MB hadoop 可视化
Title: Hadoop in Practice, 2nd Edition Author: Alex Holmes Length: 512 pages Edition: 2 Language: English Publisher: Manning Publications Publication Date: 2014-10-12 ISBN-10: 1617292222 ISBN-13: 9781617292224 Summary Hadoop in Practice, Second Edition provides over 100 tested, instantly useful techniques that will help you conquer big data, using Hadoop. This revised new edition covers changes and new features in the Hadoop core architecture, including MapReduce 2. Brand new chapters cover YARN and integrating Kafka, Impala, and Spark SQL with Hadoop. You'll also get new and updated techniques for Flume, Sqoop, and Mahout, all of which have seen major new versions recently. In short, this is the most practical, up-to-date coverage of Hadoop available anywhere. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Book It's always a good time to upgrade your Hadoop skills! Hadoop in Practice, Second Edition provides a collection of 104 tested, instantly useful techniques for analyzing real-time streams, moving data securely, machine learning, managing large-scale clusters, and taming big data using Hadoop. This completely revised edition covers changes and new features in Hadoop core, including MapReduce 2 and YARN. You'll pick up hands-on best practices for integrating Spark, Kafka, and Impala with Hadoop, and get new and updated techniques for the latest versions of Flume, Sqoop, and Mahout. In short, this is the most practical, up-to-date coverage of Hadoop available. Readers need to know a programming language like Java and have basic familiarity with Hadoop. What's Inside Thoroughly updated for Hadoop 2 How to write YARN applications Integrate real-time technologies like Storm, Impala, and Spark Predictive analytics using Mahout and RR Readers need to know a programming language like Java and have basic familiarity with Hadoop. About the Author Alex Holmes works on tough big-data problems. He is a software engineer, author, speaker, and blogger specializing in large-scale Hadoop projects. Table of Contents Part 1: Background and fundamentals Chapter 1: Hadoop in a heartbeat Chapter 2: Introduction to YARN Part 2: Data logistics Chapter 3: Data serialization— working with text and beyond Chapter 4: Organizing and optimizing data in HDFS Chapter 5: Moving data into and out of Hadoop Part 3: Big data patterns Chapter 6: Applying MapReduce patterns to big data Chapter 7: Utilizing data structures and algorithms at scale Chapter 8: Tuning, debugging, and testing Part 4: Beyond MapReduce Chapter 9: SQL on Hadoop Chapter 10: Writing a YARN application Appendix: Installing Hadoop and friends
2024-04-03 06:29:08 9.46MB Hadoop
2024-03-25 13:56:36 894KB 自然科学 论文
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2024-02-21 13:45:17 7.14MB 毕业设计 课程设计 项目开发 资源资料
【实例简介】 这是一个基于hadoop的云盘系统,实现的界面是用javaweb完成的,使用的是spring Struts2 hibernate集合框架,配有sql文件。直接导入后运行这是一个基于hadoop的云盘系统,实现的界面是用javaweb完成的,使用的是spring Struts2 hibernate集合框架,配有sql文件。直接导入后运行这是一个基于hadoop的云盘系统,实现的界面是用javaweb完成的,使用的是spring Struts2 hibernate集合框架,配有sql文件。直接导入后运行 【实例截图】 【核心代码】 云盘 ├── netcloud.sql ├── 云盘web端源码.rar └── 云盘部署(详细版) (2).doc 0 directories, 3 files
2024-02-20 09:30:59 60.39MB hadoop
2024-02-01 15:41:08 3.65MB Hadoop
内容概要:10G的Python数据分析与挖掘实战学习视频,包括了Python3数据科学入门与实战,大数据入门到实战篇(Hadoop2.80),Python3实战Spark大数据分析及调度,数据分析与数据挖掘高级实战案例 适合人群:具备一定编程基础,工作1-3年的研发人员 能学到什么:Python3数据科学入门与实战,大数据入门到实战篇(Hadoop2.80),Python3实战Spark大数据分析及调度,数据分析与数据挖掘高级实战案例 阅读建议:10G的Python数据分析与挖掘实战学习视频,包括了Python3数据科学入门与实战,大数据入门到实战篇(Hadoop2.80),Python3实战Spark大数据分析及调度,数据分析与数据挖掘高级实战案例。
2024-01-18 14:27:38 72B Python 数据挖掘 数据分析 Hadoop
基于SpringCloud+Hadoop+Vue的企业级网盘系统设计与实现源码 华东交通大学,优秀毕业设计分享 前端:vue-projectManage 后台:mycloud-admin 提供前端服务:mycloud ps:springcloud实现 文件在线预览服务:file-online-preview 基于SpringCloud+Hadoop+Vue企业网盘系统主要分为前台和后台两大模块,前台模块分为首页,网盘,分享,资源库,关注用户,系统公告模块,不同的功能模块拥有的功能也是不相同的。此外,所需权限也不同。后台模块分为用户、部门、角色、网盘、日志、系统监控、接口文档、定时任务模块。在网络磁盘管理模块中,管理员可以上传、删除和修改文档,管理员还可以在线查看多媒体资源,如Word文档、视频、音乐、图片。 管理员和超级管理员成功登入系统后台后,默认会调到Index页面去,在该首页,我们可以看到登录用户、服务器运行相关信息。在数据大盘模块,可以看到最近上传文件的数量,以及最近一段时间的上传曲线图。系统超级管理员可以管理系统所有的功能和所有用户。