2021-09-05 08:04:39 10.53MB Python 文字版
HTML5 is more than a markup language--it's a dozen independent web standards all rolled into one. Until now, all it's been missing is a manual. With this thorough, jargon-free guide, you'll learn how to build web apps that include video tools, dynamic drawings, geolocation, offline web apps, drag-and-drop, and many other features. HTML5 is the future of the Web, and with this book you'll reach it quickly. The important stuff you need to know: Structure web pages in a new way. Learn how HTML5 helps make web design tools and search engines work smarter. Add audio and video without plugins. Build playback pages that work in every browser. Draw with Canvas. Create shapes, pictures, text, and animation--and make them interactive. Go a long way with style. Use CSS3 and HTML5 to jazz up your pages and adapt them for mobile devices. Build web apps with rich desktop features. Let users work with your app offline, and process user-selected files in the browser. Create location-aware apps. Write geolocation applications directly in the browser.
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2021-08-04 20:59:15 9.76MB 代码 大全
2021-08-04 19:45:20 20.13MB 数字图像处理 冈萨雷斯
计算机组成与设计 硬件软件接口(原书第4版)习题答案 高清英文文字版(无水印) pdf所有页面经adobe reader测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
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Algorithms In C英文文字版,有目录标签 可以复制,超级清洗
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算法导论 第三版中文(超清晰-带目录书签)+第三版全部答案文字版+第二版中文+第三版英文文字版
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Numerical Methods Using MATLAB第四版,作者是 Mathews 和 Fink,英文版 文字版非扫描版.
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Essentials of Programming Languages 3rd Edition 【美】Daniel P. Friedman 用Scheme描述编程语言原理的神书
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C++ Primer 第五版 包括第五版中文高清版附带目录书签、第五版英文文字版带目录书签、第五版的代码以及课后答案
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