针对金属材料的激光立体成形 (MLSF)工艺,利用大型有限元分析工具Ansys的二次开发语言APDL,开发了成形过程温度场、应力场的参数化有限元模型。该模型综合考虑了随温度变化的材料非线性、高斯激光能量分布、对流/辐射换热边界条件、相变以及自由变形约束等一系列问题。通过使用过渡网格划分技术,在提高计算精度的基础上,大幅减少了单元数目,从而实现了金属激光立体成形过程的整体建模。采用移动热源和单元生死技术,对激光成形过程热应力场进行了有效仿真,在准确计算温度场演化规律的基础上,揭示了塑性压缩区、塑性拉伸区、卸载区等热应力场产生的原因。使用该参数化模型便于研究金属激光立体成形工艺条件、不同材料等对成形过程热应力场的影响。
2022-03-30 13:59:54 4.03MB 激光技术 金属激光 热应力场 有限元仿
2022-03-07 11:09:37 36.73MB cwm  公共仓库  数据库 元数据模型
等参弯曲壳元模型,不同于其他等参六面体有限元模型。有限元描述为Mindlin-Theory。但等参公式属于雅可比变换和壳曲面弯曲。 因此等参分析结果取决于壳单元的曲线、节点斜率和节点复杂度。 这种复杂性随着力和力矩运动学平衡而不是守恒而增加。
2021-12-29 13:07:32 254KB matlab
基于有限元理论,对三维集成电路(3D-IC)进行了建模和仿真,研究了不同模型的热分布和计算复杂度。通过Gmsh软件创建3D-IC模型并生成网格化文件。利用Matlab软件提取有限元参数,获到模型的刚度矩阵。用层次矩阵(Hierarchical matrix, H-matrix)表示刚度矩阵,得到了不同模型刚度矩阵的求逆所消耗的存储空间和运算时间。结果表明:随着模型刚度矩阵行列数目的增加,所需要的运算时间和存储空间呈现线性变化关系。
模态参数识别及有限元模型修正 史治宇 教授 南京航空航天大学
2021-12-26 16:17:33 2.3MB 模态参数识别 有限元 f.e.m.
基于代理模型的结构有限元模型修正关键问题研究,刘洋,唐旭,针对提高大型复杂结构有限元模型修正的计算效率问题,采用代理模型(Meta model)建立结构静力或动力特征与结构参数之间的函数关系�
2021-11-01 14:41:38 1.14MB 首发论文
Architecture-driven Modernization Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodel (ASTM) V1.pdf The purpose of the ASTM is to provide a framework that allows tool vendors and tool clients to build and use tools that conform to commonly agreed upon modeling specifications for the interchange of abstract syntax models of software. Interoperability is achieved when models can be interchanged using modeling elements that conform to those specified in the ASTM specification. The internal proprietary models of tools need not conform the ASTM for a tool to be considered compliant with the ASTM. To be considered compliant a tool need only adhere to the ASTM as a model interchange specification. Tool conformance is concerned solely with the ability of tools to interchange models that conform to the ASTM. • For a GAST model to conform with the ASTM it must conform to the GAST Metamodel provided by this specification. • For a SAST model to conform to the ASTM it must conform to both the GASTM model provided with this specification as well as the SASTM model provided by some future SASTM specification. The ASTM is a bi-dimension multi-layered modeling specification. The two dimensions of the ASTM define both syntactic as well as the semantic properties of software. The layers of the ASTM define a core set of modeling elements, the GASTM, that are common to many programming languages as well as a set of extensions, the SASTMs, that extend from the core for and are used in concert with the GASTM for defining models specialized to particular programming languages. Table 2.1 illustrates the Compliance Points of the ASTM.
2021-10-13 13:54:55 8.96MB OMG 架构 语法
公共仓库元模型开发指南。公共仓库元模型开发指南,CWM标准。网上很难找到了。 cwm,元模型
2021-09-24 11:34:28 36.88MB cwm 元模型 公共仓库 数据库开发
有限元分析是一种模拟设计荷载条件,并且确定在荷载条件下的设计响应的方法。 它是用被称之为“单元”的离散的块体来模拟设计。
2021-09-19 10:02:24 21.03MB 力分析