PintosProject3 Virtual Memory的PPt
2019-12-21 19:54:47 782KB Pintos
2019-12-21 19:53:30 194KB RTX Shared Memory 共享内存
.NET性能测试工具-ANTS Memory Profiler 8 安装包+激活工具+教程
2019-12-21 19:53:06 37.31MB ANTS Memory Profiler
Emerging non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies, such as PCRAM and STT-RAM, are getting mature in recent years. These emerging NVM technologies have demonstrated great potentials to be the candidates for future computer memory architecture design. It is important for SoC designers and computer architects to understand the benefits and limitations of such emerging memory technologies, to improve the performance/power/reliability of future memory architectures. This chapter gives a brief introduction of these memory technologies, reviews recent advances in memory architecture design, discusses the benefits of using at various levels of memory hierarchy, and also reviews the mitigation techniques to overcome the limitations of applying such emerging memory technologies for future memory architecture design.
2019-12-21 19:27:30 15.74MB 存储器
简单易懂,容易操作, lab 代码简单, 老师编写的源代码
2019-12-21 19:21:14 654KB 翻牌 记忆 代码源
一、 Sigar详细介绍 Sigar(System Information Gatherer And Reporter),是一个开源的工具,提供了跨平台的系统信息收集的API,核心由C语言实现的。 Sigar资料地址: Sigar提供了一组轻便式接口来收集系统信息,主要信息包含: ● 系统内存,页面交换,cpu,平均负载,运行时间,登录信息; ● 每个进程占用的内存,cpu,帐号信息,状态,参数,环境,打开的文件; ● 文件系统监测和度量; ● 网络接口监测,配置信息和度量; ● TCP和UDP连接表; ● 网络路由表;
2019-12-21 19:20:53 546KB Sigar CPU Memory File
一款类似心跳回忆的游戏,由vb6开发。 现在开源和大家分享。 你可以更改游戏内容但是必须保留原作者的信息
2019-12-21 18:54:18 2.07MB memory 养成游戏 vb游戏 Rainssong
.NET Memory.Profiler.v4.0完美破解版,检测内存,定位未释放资源。非常好用。
2013-08-14 00:00:00 28.78MB 内存 Profiler 破解版
Memory Analyzer (MAT) The Eclipse Memory Analyzer is a fast and feature-rich Java heap analyzer that helps you find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption. Use the Memory Analyzer to analyze productive heap dumps with hundreds of millions of objects, quickly calculate the retained sizes of objects, see who is preventing the Garbage Collector from collecting objects, run a report to automatically extract leak suspects.
2012-07-11 00:00:00 45.84MB Memory Analyzer