更好用的微信网页版扩展,可显示未读消息,从聊天列表快速查看信息,不含任何恶意广告。 网页版微信扩展,可显示未读消息,快速进入应用,不含任何恶意广告和弹窗。 1.0.2更新:修复登录后弹窗不关闭问题,优化登录界面。 2.0.0发布:使用React框架开发,为后续新功能添加做准备,修复部分错别字。 2.1.0发布:【重大更新】可以直接从扩展中查看聊天列表并快速查看消息了,UI更美观大方,让你更便捷地使用网页版微信。 支持语言:中文 (简体)
2021-12-23 15:40:26 511KB 社交与通讯
Linear_Threshold 社交网络影响力最大化算法(线性阈值算法以及改进算法) 1、Python 实现社交网络影响力最大化 Linear_Threshold(线性阈值模型)算法。 2、对线性阈值模型算法进行优化改进,实现贪心算法。 3、代码中有详细注释说明,测试代码,测试节点数据集,并对数据集进行处理,输出测试结果。 4、代码实现环境:Python2.7, Anoconda2,Pycharm2017。
2021-12-23 09:31:52 9KB Python
社交模拟建造游戏《城市战争》网页游戏完整源码打包下载 后端 JAVA+mysql 前端 flash AS3 开发 这是站长做的第一款网页游戏,希望对大家有帮助。 想考研你的行政能力吗,那就进入城市战争发挥你的经济头脑建设属于自己的未来城市,在这里有完善的城市体系还有保家卫国的军队,和朋友一起组成一个强大的未来世界,壮大自己的城市发展为强大的经济体,你也能成为一位优秀的领导者,每天分享3次即得3金条的奖励,再也不用担心没钱啦!
2021-12-22 16:02:04 21KB
smo优化优化matlab代码SMO 社交拟态优化算法及工程应用 社会拟态优化算法和工程应用的示例 Matlab 代码(0.1 版) 您只需要在 Costfunc.m 中引入要最小化的函数。 然后输入 SMO 参数和问题参数(第 28 至 40 行)。 请在您的研究论文中参考以下期刊文章:Saeed Balochian、Hossein Baloochian,Social Mimic Optimization Algorithm and Engineering Applications,Expert Systems with Applications,2019,ISSN 0957-4174。 ()。 社会模仿优化算法及工程应用 MATLAB 代码示例(0.1 版) 优化社会模仿和工程应用的算法,将成本函数写入文件(Costfunc.m)中,仅供使用。 然后输入算法参数如人口数和问题参数如变量数和取值范围(第28至40行) 请在您的研究文章中参考以下期刊文章:()。
2021-12-20 09:29:54 843KB 系统开源
2021-12-19 20:08:38 335KB word文档 管理类文档
2021-12-18 12:58:54 250.91MB 社交电商 同城团购 抖音小程序
说话 用HTML5和JavaScript编写的有关社交焦虑的游戏
2021-12-17 09:56:30 21.16MB game phaser javacript mental-health
2021-12-16 14:21:19 28.79MB JAVA
People increasingly use social networks to manage various aspects of their lives such as communication, collaboration, and information sharing. A user’s network of friends may offer a wide range of important benefits such as receiving online help and support and the ability to exploit professional opportunities. One of the most profound properties of social networks is their dynamic nature governed by people constantly joining and leaving the social networks. The circle of friends may frequently change when people establish friendship through social links or when their interest in a social relationship ends and the link is removed. This book introduces novel techniques and algorithms for social network-based recommender systems. Here, concepts such as link prediction using graph patterns, following recommendation based on user authority, strategic partner selection in collaborative systems, and network formation based on “social brokers” are presented. In this book, well-established graph models such as the notion of hubs and authorities provide the basis for authority-based recommendation and are systematically extended towards a unified Hyperlink Induced Topic Search (HITS) and personalized PageRank model. Detailed experiments using various real-world datasets and systematic evaluation of recommendation results proof the applicability of the presented concepts.
2021-12-16 10:53:12 3.25MB 推荐系统 社交网络 信任计算 链路预测