2021-06-29 16:02:57 21.69MB Stocha
2021-06-28 22:20:20 7.58MB handbook of matrices
HandbookofImageandVideoProcessingACBovik-Handbook of Image and Video Processing.zip Handbook of Image and Video Processing
2021-06-28 15:39:55 817KB matlab
A comprehensive overview of data science covering the analytics, programming, and business skills necessary to master the discipline Finding a good data scientist has been likened to hunting for a unicorn: the required combination of technical skills is simply very hard to find in one person. In addition, good data science is not just rote application of trainable skill sets; it requires the ability to think flexibly about all these areas and understand the connections between them. This book provides a crash course in data science, combining all the necessary skills into a unified discipline. Unlike many analytics books, computer science and software engineering are given extensive coverage since they play such a central role in the daily work of a data scientist. The author also describes classic machine learning algorithms, from their mathematical foundations to real-world applications. Visualization tools are reviewed, and their central importance in data science is highlighted. Classical statistics is addressed to help readers think critically about the interpretation of data and its common pitfalls. The clear communication of technical results, which is perhaps the most undertrained of data science skills, is given its own chapter, and all topics are explained in the context of solving real-world data problems. The book also features: Extensive sample code and tutorials using Python™ along with its technical libraries Core technologies of “Big Data,” including their strengths and limitations and how they can be used to solve real-world problems Coverage of the practical realities of the tools, keeping theory to a minimum; however, when theory is presented, it is done in an intuitive way to encourage critical thinking and creativity A wide variety of case studies from industry Practical advice on the realities of being a data scientist today, including the overall workflow, where time is spent, the types of datasets worked on, and the skill sets needed The D
2021-06-28 12:26:33 5.86MB Data Science Handbook
2021-06-27 21:01:59 7.41MB Biosensor Biomarker
2021-06-26 20:35:25 22.11MB antenna dipole radiation
《电子滤波器设计》作为一本全面介绍电子滤波器设计的经典书籍,内容包括如何选择滤波器的响应曲线,低通、高通、带通及带阻滤波器的设计,LC滤波器的设计,数字滤波器设计,有限冲激响应滤波器设计,无限冲激响应滤波器设计,多速率数字滤波器设计,开关电容滤波器设计,微波滤波器设计,等等。 目录: Chapter 1. Introduction to Modern Network Theory Chapter 2. Selecting the Response Characteristic Chapter 3. Low-Pass Filter Design Chapter 4. High-Pass Filter Design Chapter 5. Bandpass Filters Chapter 6. Band-Reject Filters Chapter 7. Networks for the Time Domain Chapter 8. Refinements in LC Filter Design and the Use of Resistive Networks Chapter 9. Design and Selection of Inductors for LC Filters Chapter 10. Component Selection for LC and Active Filters Chapter 11. Normalized Filter Design Tables Chapter 12. Introduction to Digital Filters Chapter 13. Finite Impulse-Response Filters Chapter 14. Infinite Impulse-Response Filters Chapter 15. Multirate Digital Filters Chapter 16. Digital Filter Technology Chapter 17. Switched-Capacitor Filters Chapter 18. Introduction to Microwave Filters Appendix A. Discrete Systems Mathematics Appendix B. Software Summary
扩频通信最经典的教材,希望对你们有用! 长达一千两百多页的书,很厚实,也很沉重,大家慢慢享受吧
2021-06-23 01:01:50 5.16MB spread spectrum communications handbook
2021-06-22 16:56:23 14.66MB Springer-Handbook-of-Speech-Processing
2021-06-20 21:41:45 48.27MB Driver Assistance, 驾驶辅助